fp original table

  1. AnonTet

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Metal Slug (Original) 3.2 (new .7z format)

    ' AnonTet - v3.0 - FizX Mod ' - Thanks go to (in no particular order): ' -- Brendan for the table and the already good update from Dominique ' -- JLou for FizX and the code to separate DMDExt dmddevice.ini from the VP DMDdevice.ini ' -- Ravarcade for BAM ' -- TerryRed for the instructions on...
  2. Slippery Jim

    SS Original Table BAM FizX Lite FP X-Wing V110 BAM FizXLite

    Simple "solid State" style table with Star Wars X-Wing theme, it's no JAWS Bigger Boat but it plays well and IMO is fun to play
  3. Paolo

    WIP Original Table BAM FP Dragon Ball Pinball

    This project is underdeveloped yet!!
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      B @ BrocPlaysPin: watching a twitch pinball FX stream rn