
  1. S

    SS Original Table FP La belle et la Bête (Original) v1.03

    by slun at 2017-12-02 Type Original Description 3 Multiballs, 1 "secret tunnel" who gives the ramp access.... no multiplayers mode.
  2. shiva

    Support File Tutorial Help Using the prefix filter in resources

    We are mostly known as the "classic" vp site, but we do offer so much more. We have been adding a lot to the forum software, and we are still debating organization of everything, as we have such a wide variety of pinball related material. One of them is yes virgina, we do have vpx tables and...
  3. shiva

    SS Original Table BAM FP Jungle Girl (Original) fpx v1.2

    Jungle Girl (Original) fpx v1.2 Birthday Edition. script updated August 2023 Version 1.2 Update Video: V1.2 play and strategy ' *** Version 1.2*** ' New Additions ' - New Voice tracks (TTS unfortunately) and redid all music routines and code. Voices are randomized on certain features...
  4. shiva

    shivaFlippers v3 beta test thread

    With the new version 3 of shivaFlippers as part of the fpx series of tables, a lot of changes have happened to the dynamics of fp physics. The new variable coil feature is a absolute game changer, and with the improvements to the aiming system of the flippers, the removal of the timers and extra...
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