
  1. J

    Gottlieb Shaq Attaq (Gottlieb, 1995) 2021-05-23

    Hello, I'am JLou, i'm a VPX Creator. I like FP for his engine rendering and extra features. It's a good game too, and i know FP have some player. I think FP could be better in the future. So if anyone is interested to make Shaq Attaq for FP, I share all my ressources. I modeling all plasctic...
  2. J

    Gottlieb Stargate (Gottlieb, 1995) 2021-05-23

    Hello, I'am JLou, i'm a VPX Creator. I like FP for his engine rendering and extra features. It's a good game too, and i know FP have some player. I think FP could be better in the future. So if anyone is interested to make Stargate for FP, I share all my ressources. I modeling all plasctic...
  3. Popotte

    Bally Kiss (Bally, 1979) PF art 2021-03-08

    Really big overlay for KISS Bally - 1979. Attached is a reduced-size pic. Download for full version.
  4. JonPurpleHaze

    PN's User-contributed Playfield image archive pre 2011 image archive

    These images (175 in all) were uploaded by users into Pinball Nirvana's old image program (Coppermine) and the most recent ones go back to 2010. NOTE: These have all been sorted in to appropriate categories in the Media section. Many better-quality images have also been added.
  5. JonPurpleHaze

    PN's User-contributed Backglass image archive pre 2011 image archive

    These images (327 in all) were uploaded by Users into Pinball Nirvana's old image program (Coppermine) and the most recent ones go back to 2010. NOTE: These have all been sorted and expanded upon, with the poorer-quality images replaced by higher-quality images. The new collection can be found...
  6. shiva

    Support File shivaARCHIVES graphics, sound and table repository 2021-01-01

    Shiva is very kindly sharing well over 1300 of his resources at the link provided. You may download by individual resource or by set of files. Note: attached samples are at preview quality. Be sure to use the marked d/l links to receive the highest quality files in zip format. .
  7. Isaac Sauvage

    Parts and decal archive 2020-08-19

    This is a wide-ranging scan / redraw collection of aprons, bumper caps, decals, plastics, spinners and metal spacers that cover machines from roughly the 50's to the 80's. These will be of use in re-creating a machine for someone who wants basic-level quality pics of various table elements...
  8. druadic

    TONS of great images here!

    Looking for NICE images of aprons and other goodies. Look here! Went through a backdoor to these nice images! Full collection archived here:
  9. shiva

    Support File shivaSite Pinball Image Resource Archive

    I am pleased to announce that the first major batch of images have been sorted, and are now up, and the shivaSite Image Resource Archive is now live as a beta. this is sorted into 4 main categories, and has a total of just under 6000 images for the initial upload. The Arcade section is also...
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