metal slug

  1. Wolfanoz

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Metal Slug 3.5 (Original) (BAM) (FizX) v3.5

    'Wolfanoz - v3.5 '-- Fixed HUD DMD and DMD to Display warning when nudging game, subsequent display when tilting the game as well on top of sound alert. '-- Corrected last score and top score displays. Was running into other text when displayed on DMD. '-- Added Graphics to backglass...
  2. AnonTet

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Metal Slug (Original) 3.2 (new .7z format)

    ' AnonTet - v3.0 - FizX Mod ' - Thanks go to (in no particular order): ' -- Brendan for the table and the already good update from Dominique ' -- JLou for FizX and the code to separate DMDExt dmddevice.ini from the VP DMDdevice.ini ' -- Ravarcade for BAM ' -- TerryRed for the instructions on...
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      B @ BrocPlaysPin: watching a twitch pinball FX stream rn