Rocky Girl Lodola 1979
a modification of redswal's vp8 table
by Redswal and king Clam
IPD No. 4084
Giuliano Lodola's "Rocky Girl", (1979). I did alot of work on the playfeild,backdrop,and added some new sounds.It's a nice table, I hope you like it.
Queen of Hearts (Gottlieb, 1952) VP8 v1.0 (PLB)
IPD No. 1891
New VP8 Build of 1952 Gottlieb game Queen of Hearts with a focus on game play. The game that launched the gobble hole era.
Tropic Isle-Moonshot (Gottlieb62-Bally63)
by Jay Phillips
Tropic Isle
IPD No. 2661
Moon Shot
IPD No. 1627
Unique double table, both using the same layout.
Gottlieb 1962 & Bally 1963
the100yards 1952 Marchant
by Patrick & tiltjlp
IPD No. 4465
Updated with a large enough score display to actually see.
The 100 Yards / IPD No. 4465 / 1952 Manufacturer: E. M. Marchant, France (1950-1959)
Type: Electro-mechanical (EM)
A French table with an athletic theme, The 100 Yards is...
struggle buggies 1953 Williams
by Duglis
IPD No. 2407
A wonderful Williams pin from 1953 which tracks laps completed, besides the regular score. One of my all time favorite tables, in real life 50 years ago, and now in VP. Made by the author who holds the record for retiring and unretiring...
Thunderbird (Williams, 1954) VP8 v1
IPD No. 2555
New VP8 Build of 1954 Williams game Thunderbird with a focus on game play. Williams' love of asymmetry is on full display in this game.
Spitfire (Williams, 1954) VP8 v1
IPD No. 2296
New VP8 Build of 1954 Williams game Spitfire with a focus on game play. Mini playfields were a variation on earned bonus scoring.
By faralos. This is a PC to VP conversion. Hit 5 to drop a coin, hit 1 to start a game this table sits in a basic template so plays just as easily. The ball at times takes a little hop over those three holes at the back ramp going from left to right. Sorry for that I...
Soccer Kings 1982 Zaccaria
by Eala Dubh Sidhe
IPD No. 2235
Romless VP-only version.
I'd forgotten how good this one was for its time. Pretty faithful to toriginal thanks to close development support from Luvthatapex, and with better quality speech as well. A quick brush up with the physics, and...
Skyway (Williams, 1954) VP8 v1 (PLB)
IPD No. 2206
New VP8 Build of 1954 Williams game Skyway with a focus on game play. This was the first game to use a kicker onto an elevated wire rail ramp.
Mariner Bally 1971
IPD No. 1546
I've changed the rules according to the real table in my gameroom.
Hit the Add Bonus targets to add bonus to the right kicker lane.
A 10 points hit changes the left lane lights and the yellow bumper value (operated via the match unit).
Hitting the...
Magic Stern 1979
by Eala Dubh Sidhe
IPD No. 1509
Romless VP-only edition as used for tournament play. Authentic game rules and in my own opinion, slightly superior to the VPM one.
Lightning Ball (Gottlieb, 1959) VP8 v1.0
IPD No. 1442
New VP8 Build of the 1959 Gottlieb WoodRail game Lightning Ball which designer Wayne Neyens said was one of his favorite designs. Focus on game play. Because of the 1958 recession, only 950 were made, so you may not know this one. But if you...
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