
  1. faralos

    VP9 SS Recreation Marvel Super Heroes (Zizzle, 2007) VP9 v1.1

    Marvel Zizzle 2007 by Faralos IPD No. 5643 This is a custom redo of a commercial table sold by the Zizzle company. All sounds and the scoring is custom done by Faralos with extensive help from Wizards hat! I did not have the original table to help me with sounds and scoring so it is a...
  2. faralos

    VP9 SS Recreation Marvel Zizzle now redone in VP9!

    I redid the Zizzle Marvel table that I did last year in vp8 for VP9! I redid some of the sounds, built a table around the playfield, changed the rubbers to blue, put in a newer scoring routine, and made the translucent ramps a see-thru BLUE!! As far as I know no-one else has ever done colored...
  3. faralos

    VP9 SS Recreation POTC zizzle now upgraded for VP9!

    I upgraded my zizzle table to work with VP9, adding new slingshots, built a tablearound the playfield, added a newer scoring routine too. I will also convert the Marvel one for use in vp9. but for now here is the Pirates of the Carribean one. oh and now the treasure box opens and closes when the...
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