Back to the Future (Original) Ultimate Pro (FizX WIP)

SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Back to the Future (Original) Ultimate Pro (FizX WIP) BTTF Ultimate Pro 1.03C

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Solid State Machines
Future Pinball
Not in compatibility mode. I assumed the patch was installed during baller installer. I downloaded and applied it anyway and still freezing. Just to clarify the tables in future pinball play fine but the pinevent videos on tables such as jaws just freeze. In visual pinball the tables stutter along with any pup packs. I`ve even tried my backup hard drive that had everything working and it`s just the same.:(

Ravarcade said once a while ago to try these things:

• Your antivirus program can have a huge impact on Future Pinball's script performance. You may try to disable it. Remember that Windows 10 has "Windows Defender" installed and has real-time protection that you can turn off temporarily. What can happen is the script may execute something that the antivirus considers to be a potential threat so it scans it which requires CPU power. The antivirus tends to rob memory from Future Pinball and can make the ball stutter. This is especially true when the script has "execute" or "eval" commands. I have a higher-end gaming PC and have experienced stuttering on tables that have "execute" or "eval" commands in the script. You can find these commands by searching the script for the term "execute" or "eval". A good coder might be able to figure out a way of replacing "execute" commands with other coding but it is not necessary. I created a tutorial on how you can create an exclusion for Future Pinball on Defender's real-time protection here:

• You can change the lighting model in BAM. On most graphics cards "FP Original" is faster than "New Renderer" although on some notebooks "New Renderer" is faster. You should try both.

• On your computer, make sure you have set the profile to "maximum performance" in the power manager. To change this setting, with your mouse, right-click over the Windows desktop and select "NVIDIA Control Panel". From the NVIDIA Control Panel, select "Manage 3D settings" from the left column. Click on the Power management mode drop-down box and select "Prefer Maximum Performance".

• Anything that can use your graphics card can decrease game performance. This would include anything in your web browser. Close all browsers when you play Future Pinball or other programs that have graphics.
I appreciate your help George. But everything you have suggested I have already done whenever I do a fresh install. I only ever allow the pinball cabinet pc to go online when I need to update anything so I have Windows Defender permanently disabled. My problem is, the FuturePinball tables play smooth as silk but the pinevent videos on tables like Jaws freeze and stutter. In Visual Pinball all the tables have a slight stutter(annoying) and the pup packs also freeze and stutter. I installed Terry Red`s Future Pinball Essentials and BAM AIO on a fresh install on a SSD drive. Still have the same problems with Future Pinball. The Visual Pinball problems persist with the VisualX 10.8.0 or the other versions in the setup, but if I use the VisualX GL64 version then all the vpx tables work fine. I am baffled.:bonk:
Thanx again George.
Ok I finally sorted the issues I`ve had with my cabinet. The stuttering and freezing issues were caused by my graphics card. I even bought the same graphics card off Amazon and had the same issues. I did a reinstall of the windows 10 system. Still the same issues. I spent days trying to work the issue out. On my motherboard there are 3 pci slots. the first one I always used, stopped working. The second would not work. The 3rd one sort of worked. A bit of progress. While searching online for a solution I came across a video showing a complete install of windows 10 with no bloatware and just the very basics of software without the dreaded microsoft account activation. I also found the DDU installer for Nvidia graphics cards. So I decided, one last attempt before I have to bite the bullet and buy a new PC, just for my cabinet. Hey presto everything is working and I have to say better than ever. All the pci slots work again. Now I have VPX and FPT working better than ever did. I am just going through the process of getting my 185 tables back up to date with pup packs, dmd colorisations, altsounds and backglasses. All the tables are playing silky smooth. Once I am back up to date in a couple of days, I will get round to sorting my original issue with the Back to the Future table that GeorgeH, very kindly gave me instructions on.
Not in compatibility mode. I assumed the patch was installed during baller installer. I downloaded and applied it anyway and still freezing. Just to clarify the tables in future pinball play fine but the pinevent videos on tables such as jaws just freeze. In visual pinball the tables stutter along with any pup packs. I`ve even tried my backup hard drive that had everything working and it`s just the same.:(
i had something similar and it was my audio drivers.
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