Backglass color cast?


Pinball Wizard
Apr 5, 2023
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Favorite Pinball Machine
Spirit of 76
Do you think this backglass has a color cast (ignore the stains and smudges outside the central figures, they are masked off).

The original image was apparently from a poster. I think the yellowish bloom is due to imitating the incadescent backlight. But it's also possible the poster has some kind of yellowing? I removed alot of the noise with Waifu2x AI running on my computer, then I used GIMP's auto white balance and then the gamma-corrected contrast enhancer.

I ask because I have deuteranomaly and I don't see as many shades of red and green (purple and some shades of pink throw me off- purple often looks blue, and sometimes pink looks too grey), and I'm looking for feedback. I think it looks good. It doesn't perfectly match MartinB's playfield, his looks a little more compressed (not quite "crushed") and less subtle, but it's also the difference between backglass and a playfield (most playfields back then were not highly detailed). So that's why I ask.

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I'd leave it how you have it
In the original, the ladies stomach is a little redder, but I do not think anyone will complain
I'd leave it how you have it
In the original, the ladies stomach is a little redder, but I do not think anyone will complain

In the end, I decided to match the contrast of the backglass with the playfield. A little brighter than the default, but it's consistent with the art on the playfield.

If I were redoing everything, though, I'd definitely stretch the contrast to make everything a bit more vivid. Some of the pinball tables out there in VPX and FP are a little drab. I suppose that could be bad if you had a cheap monitor and a really big surface (like a skybox), but I don't think it would have an impact on pinball.


Layering and healing did some amazing work (not the finished work, but you can see the change at the bottom of the poster, as well as the generally cleaner graphics due to Waifu2x's upscaling and denoising):

The issues with color matching are:
Time, some colors fade
Consistency, even when made there may have been no consistency coming from the factory, or they changed the colors midway though the run (Gorgar plastics)
Crappy cameras, some of the photos were taken back when digital photography was young, the colors are never 'right'
The issues with color matching are:
Time, some colors fade
Consistency, even when made there may have been no consistency coming from the factory, or they changed the colors midway though the run (Gorgar plastics)
Crappy cameras, some of the photos were taken back when digital photography was young, the colors are never 'right'

I'd be curious about Gorgar, since it's now one of my favorite tables that I never got to play back in the day. Some renditions I've seen have had very bright colors.

Lost World is another table I like but I never saw one in real life.
These are the official reproduction plastics for Gorgar
This is what a Gorgar looks like

Note how on the reproductions there is yellow, on the pictured game it is tan in color. they claim that there is documentation that says it is supposed to be yellow
Be aware that back in the day, the manufactures used more than one supplier to provide the parts. they made 14,000 Gorgars in 1979-80, in a 3 month period, before moving on to Firepower (17,000 games). Making a playfield is a multi-day process, no CNC, holed drilled by hand though templates. That is 155 playfields per day had to come from the factories.
Also, there are no collectors at that time, fussing over the colors. That one company used yellow #3456 and the other comapny used yellow #3486, it would not have been a big deal

Addams Family is another game with known variations in the playfields

EDIT, I am aware that i am mixing playfields and plastics, but you get the idea
In the end, I decided to match the contrast of the backglass with the playfield. A little brighter than the default, but it's consistent with the art on the playfield.

If I were redoing everything, though, I'd definitely stretch the contrast to make everything a bit more vivid. Some of the pinball tables out there in VPX and FP are a little drab. I suppose that could be bad if you had a cheap monitor and a really big surface (like a skybox), but I don't think it would have an impact on pinball.

View attachment 37426

Layering and healing did some amazing work (not the finished work, but you can see the change at the bottom of the poster, as well as the generally cleaner graphics due to Waifu2x's upscaling and denoising):

View attachment 37427

I am glad you finally see it my way. I think the color probably became more yellow with age but there is no way to know for sure. I watched several videos of this table's backglass that seemed to have good lighting and they appeared to have even a bit more red but I am good with what you have here.
I am glad you finally see it my way. I think the color probably became more yellow with age but there is no way to know for sure. I watched several videos of this table's backglass that seemed to have good lighting and they appeared to have even a bit more red but I am good with what you have here.

I just didn't want to have to change the playfield to match the backglass. There's a time to leave well enough alone. I could spend eternity tweaking stuff, that's just my nature, but it can be a bad habit.

There seems to be an issue with some tables that are compressed in terms of contrast. For instance, I came across an adaptation of Fathom, and it was much worse than this version of Lost World, in terms of blacks being crushed. Likewise, some of the images I've seen of Lost World on the web are slightly more vivid.
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