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Isaac Sauvage

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Jun 23, 2003
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Favorite Pinball Machine
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A colleague of mine is moving from Reddit to the Fediverse, and beginning to post all-new content. He just published a roundup of 20 Android 'hidden gems,' and I'll copy-paste a couple of my favorites below:

(click the link for source & pics)
  • Bounty Hunter Space Lizard - Ah, so delicious. It’s a fun roguelike, a bit like Pixel Dungeon, but with more condensed runs, and loads of character. As with PD, you’ll move through different stages and battle different end-bosses.
  • Choppa - This is a ridiculously fun, hilarious, physics-style helicopter game in which you set out to rescue disaster survivors amidst annoying obstacles and deadly explosives. It’s got a nice leveling-up system so that you can build yourself better whirlybirds over time, and features a small but excellent collection of scenarios to try. Let’s face it, tho-- altho it’s a real challenge stringing together a series of successful rescues, it’s just as much fun getting blown up, drowned, or causing a chain-reaction of explosions, especially when carrying a survivor, who hates getting wet or covered in soot, and will endlessly berate you when that happens.
  • Enyo - And here we have an absolute masterpiece, something of a chesslike game, but with all new pieces, in which you battle the enemy across a paved lava pit (which becomes progressively un-paved). It’s fortunate that your small army of enemies aren’t very bright, because you only have one piece to play with, which features a deadly grappling hook and (Captain America-style) a flingeable shield. Not only is this a highly-inventive game design, but it’s fun, and endlessly replayable.
The other 17 games are here:
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Me, I'm just finishing up Lara Croft GO, by Square Enix.

It's sort of a companion to Deus Ex GO (cyberpunk-themed) and other puzzle games in the "GO" series, but IMO Lara's got the best art & environment of them all, as she works through jungles, crypts & ancient temples to solve the levels. Seriously, it's almost hard to believe how good the game looks on my little phone's screen. Really nice with headphones plugged in, too.


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Thanks for the information!
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