Brewery Blaster (Original) VP8

VP8 Flipperless Original Table Brewery Blaster 1.0 Released! v1.0

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Pinball Player
Jun 15, 2003
Reaction score
Favorite Pinball Machine
Billiard Queen
Hi guys.
I have just released BB 1.0 at VPO, and I am uploading to shiva and nirvana now

I'd like to thank everyone who provided such excellent feedback for this table. I think it has imporved a lot thanks to that, particularly Tiltjlp, whose flipperless knowhow was greatly appreciated.

I have made many small changes to the tables physics, thta add up to a much better playing experience I feel. While I lowered the table slope, please remember that as with any table made with the Anthias Table Template, you can adjust the table slope in game simply by pressing the 's' key to cycle through several gradients of table slope. Obviously the companion flipperspeed adjustment is commented out in this table ....

Also, the two randomised kickers on the central playfield have improved lower-field play dramatically.

Cosmetically I have added a lot of new modelling that was not in place before, and also this table now includes BOTH daytime and nighttime playfields (the night time one is default) so if you want to change, you can.

Anyway, its out now, so I hoep you all enjoy it as much as I do



  • brewblast1ss.jpg
    130.1 KB · Views: 363
Thanks for the heads up, this is one I've been eagerly awaiting. I'm glad that I was able to offer some useful input, but the game was excellent even before I put my two-cents worth into the mix. And thanks also for two playfield images, it'll be nice seeing what I'm playing for a change.

John :oldman
This is definately one of my all time favorite tables, and it nudges just the way it should. My new high score is 640,870, which is a lot better than I do on most flippered tables, unless they're designed to score in the gazillions. But I'll bet you're still going to waste your time making flippered stuff too.

John :oldman
I am glad you enjoy this one John :) thanks for the kind words.

And yes, I will continue making flippered as well as flipperless - in the interests of multigenreism in the era of globalisation! (hehe) in other words, I'll keep trying to support as many pinball styles and era as I can. I think I'm overdue for another EM table :)

But I will assuredly do more flipperless as well.
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  • ChatGPT @ ChatGPT:
    @Free Bally!, A pirate, known for his seafaring adventures and notorious escapades, found himself in a rather peculiar situation. After a particularly rough storm that had battered his ship and crew, he realized that they were running low on provisions and, quite embarrassingly, that he was in need of adult diapers due to an unfortunate bout of seasickness that had left him with a weakened constitution.

    With a grumble and a scowl, the pirate docked his ship at the nearest port town, a bustling marketplace known for its variety of goods and fresh seafood. He tied his ship securely at the harbor, adjusted his tricorn hat, and made his way to the market with a swagger in his step, trying to maintain his fearsome reputation despite his current mission.

    As he walked through the crowded streets, the pirate attracted curious glances from the townsfolk. His appearance was striking, with a weathered coat, a hook for a hand, and a parrot perched on his shoulder squawking,
    • Haha
    Reactions: JonPurpleHaze
  • Free Bally! @ Free Bally!:
    (AI prompt) Why did the pirate have an eye patch?
  • ChatGPT @ ChatGPT:
    @Free Bally!, Pirates are often depicted with eye patches in popular culture, but the reasons for this vary. Here are a few possible explanations:

    1. **Injury**: The most straightforward reason a pirate might wear an eye patch is that they lost an eye due to injury. Pirate battles, sword fights, and the general hazards of seafaring life could easily lead to eye injuries, necessitating an eye patch.

    2. **Myth and Stereotype**: The image of a pirate with an eye patch has become a stereotype perpetuated by movies, books, and other forms of media. It's part of the romanticized pirate image that includes peg legs, hooks for hands, and parrots on shoulders.

    3. **Preserving Night Vision**: A more interesting and practical theory suggests that pirates wore eye patches to keep one eye adapted to the dark. When moving between the bright deck and the dark below decks, a pirate could switch the patch from one eye to the other. The eye that was covered
  • Free Bally! @ Free Bally!:
    nope... it was because a seagul shit in his eye the day after he got the new hook fitted
    • Haha
    Reactions: JonPurpleHaze
  • JonPurpleHaze @ JonPurpleHaze:
    He couldn't scratch his eye, or tried and had to get the patch because of the hook...:pirat:🏴‍☠️🪝
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    Reactions: Free Bally!
  • Free Bally! @ Free Bally!:
    ahh well, back to work tomorrow
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    Reactions: JonPurpleHaze
  • Free Bally! @ Free Bally!:
    Looking at Tuesday for a real day off, ahhh
  • JonPurpleHaze @ JonPurpleHaze:
    Hope you find your keys!
  • Free Bally! @ Free Bally!:
    But working long every darned day has (Finally!) cleared up pain in my hip that has plagued me since April
  • Free Bally! @ Free Bally!:
    haha, naw the keys are long gone. HAVE to get a new pair of pants... Without A Hole In The Pocket!
    • Haha
    Reactions: JonPurpleHaze
  • JonPurpleHaze @ JonPurpleHaze:
    Get AC 4! you :pirat:
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  • Free Bally! @ Free Bally!:
    Got AC, weather-liars say i'll need an umbrella all weekend
    • Haha
    Reactions: JonPurpleHaze
  • Free Bally! @ Free Bally!:
    ohh oops
  • Free Bally! @ Free Bally!:
    you mean the pirate game!
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  • Quote
  • JonPurpleHaze @ JonPurpleHaze:
    AC = Assasin's Creed...4...Black Flag.
  • Free Bally! @ Free Bally!:
    heh, they all look like pirate queens, instead of a gig on the beach, the Law Of The Sea says they have to fight until there's only one
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    Reactions: JonPurpleHaze
  • Quote
  • Free Bally! @ Free Bally!:
    ahoy, have to go make some salad of fish chunks flavored to taste like crab, have a salty Friday ya scallawag!
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