Cant figure out visual pinmame


Pinball Nudger
Jan 5, 2014
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Favorite Pinball Machine
I run a computer shop but I am not a computer (nerd) I cant figure out the Visual Pin Mame at all and I have read almost every post I can find, can anyone help me. I have any style computer running any windows. I just need help setting up the software and getting it to run.
Thanks Jamie

This is a re-post of mine...
I still have trouble with some machines refusing to start...
Older recreations that don't use ROM's usually work for me...
Sometimes I have to re-load a game several times to get it to start the first time...
Some errors involve a message about missing roms....
Then there seems to be a permission issue with some games...
Important Keys:
5>adds money
1>starts game
a>puts ball in shooting position

<table border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td class="alt2" style="border:1px inset"> Originally Posted by bugisacat
I am new at this pinmame thing. I downloaded the visual install pack
I I downloaded the atlantis game nothing happen now what? please can I get some help?
if I can get step by step help to get started I would be in your debt.
slow learner but repetition will get me through. I own many pinball machines but could never own them all so if I can play them virtually then I up for it
please anyone to help an idiot to get started

I'm new to the virtual pinball thing too. I have had some success and some failures. I used the VIP installer from PN home page. Down load the table files then un-zip them. Then run the extracted table file. The ROM file is not un-ziped. The un-zipped Rom folder gets pasted into the 'ROM' folder in Program Files/Pinball/ROM's. That's is about all I know. I got some help here from PN forums. Here is a link to that discussion. GSGreg includes a 'shortcut' to some ROM"S stored @ PN.">

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