Christian Bale lets his softer side show

what a dick! an "excuse me we're shooting here" may have been a better way to go about it. and he's in transformers? figures, I guess his career ain't all that huh? transformers 1 sucked ass! i mean it was good if you're about ten, but seriously, that movie was worse than the first hulk movie, you know that one where he throws a tank about 300 yd.s into the sand and the driver climbs out without a scratch, what a pile of well y'know...and he's So eloquent!
He's shitting us, right?


Well, never mind the camera.
what a dick! an "excuse me we're shooting here" may have been a better way to go about it. and he's in transformers? figures, I guess his career ain't all that huh? transformers 1 sucked ass! i mean it was good if you're about ten, but seriously, that movie was worse than the first hulk movie, you know that one where he throws a tank about 300 yd.s into the sand and the driver climbs out without a scratch, what a pile of well y'know...and he's So eloquent!
Transformers? Seriously? :dork: Christian Bale's Batman, dude! Jesus, I wouldn't hang out with you in a New Jersey bar parking lot, either!
someone posted that he was in terminator 4! Pardon me for being bad with names. terminator, transformers, they both were bad movies (just my personal opinion) honestly, the acting really was terrible in the terminator movies. I mean Ahnold couldn't act his way out of as paper sack! hope t4 is better
Terminator without Arnie won't be the same...but 4 might be a Bible on a Terminator set now you've lost me! Can't wait for Transformers 2 though. :)
transformers 1 sucked ass! i mean it was good if you're about ten, but seriously, that movie was worse than the first hulk movie,

Transformers was great .... yes, I must be about 10 years old. Although I agree with the first Hulk ... that was unadulterated shit of the first order. Still haven't seen the end of it. :oops:

PS I liked the Terminator movies too ... not looking for great acting in 'robots' and just about all the other actors were very good IMO - and the entertainment factor was good, just what I wanted ... to be entertained. :cheers:
It turns out that this outburst was from last Summer, just before The Dark Knight release, back when he was having domestic conflicts. The word is that the tape was released yesterday to seek revenge, but from which person?
It turns out that this outburst was from last Summer, just before The Dark Knight release...
i read it was also about a set-extra walking across the scene while bale was in the middle of a dramatically-intense take.
if that was me i might have exploded on the person also.

all this crap over an emotional outburst...
every hollywood film has at least several if you follow the industry.
This account from good ol' Harry Knowles of what exactly happened makes Batman seem to be a little less of a dick.

Yeah, I might have gone a tad ballistic on that jackass, too.
It was his Welsh anger showing through ....
You Welsh are a wacky bunch! Christian, Ralph Fiennes, Catherine Zeta-Jones... actually, I don't know if the last two qualify as "wacky", they're just the only other Welsh I can think of! :gun::smileyvike: They sure taught those filthy vikings a couple lessons!
... and don't forget Anthony Hopkins and Richard Burton while you're at it. 2 of our greatest exports after Whisky and sheep!!!!
You Welsh are a wacky bunch! Christian, Ralph Fiennes, Catherine Zeta-Jones... actually, I don't know if the last two qualify as "wacky", they're just the only other Welsh I can think of! :gun::smileyvike: They sure taught those filthy vikings a couple lessons!

Are those the only ones that you can remember?

... and don't forget Anthony Hopkins and Richard Burton while you're at it. 2 of our greatest exports after Whisky and sheep!!!!

Aw, shoot! You beat me to it.
Wacky and fast :D
oh man thanks for that hannibal shot! just when i thought it was safe to go back to sleep! love all his films btw, now there is one hell of an actor... you can keep the sheep though...
There's nothing wrong with sheep! Anyway faralos ... I thought you were lonely! :D
ther is a difference between being alone and being lonely! ha ha! thanks though for the thought, bring to mind the saying 'screw ewe'! :D
yes, many lonely nights were averted with a bottle of whisky and an attractive sheep. :)
Man, Richard Burton! How could I remember Catherine and forget Richard Burton? :oops: He's one of my all-time faves! Always loved the way he said "murder" in Becket... "muhhh-duuhr!" God knows he "imported" plenty of that whisky!
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