Danish Cartoon Upsets Muslim World


Pinball Wizard
Sep 19, 2003
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Look at all that stink over that Danish cartoon caricature that is pissing off the Muslims. I mean I've got to say that while that cartoon may have been in bad taste, the Muslim reaction to it has told me leaps and bounds more about their religion and beliefs than anything else (and I'm not neccessrily talking about what their religion ACTUALLY might say, but rather how many of the followers BEHAVE, which says more about them than any book).

I'm sorry, but anyone that wants to KILL someone over a fucking cartoon has got some serious problems and if they're telling me that's their religion that DEMANDS they kill someone for expresing themselves, well who made them judge, jury and executioner? What makes them think they're right and someone else is wrong? Why doesn't God kill these people if He wants them dead so bad? No one asks WHY in religion and that's why religion is not the same as spirituality.

Religions are things made up by man to try and define God to appear like themselves because this is the only way they think they can relate to him. Spiritual truth is knowing that God has greater capacity for love and forgiveness than you could ever hope to imagine. YOU are the one letting him down and yet he still loves you. THAT takes some serious love. It's much easier to hate those that hate you than to love them anyway.

This is a prime example of why people are in this world in the first place. They are children that can't get along and play nice and so they are in a dark place FAR REMOVED from God.

You know the basis of most world religions is to love one another, but somehow, some way that BASIC message gets distorted and people end up HATING and KILLING each other over petty disagreements.

Spiritual Darkness is HELL. I've got news for you folks. THIS WORLD *IS* HELL for most people. We are in spiritual darkness and FAR from God here. God lets you do whatever you want here and yet his basic message of love is not far away. You want to know why such evil is allowed here? Look in yourself and see the darkness within! YOU CREATE HELL. You create it here. You will create it when your body is dead. Hell is spiritual darkness. If you are light inside, you are not in hell. If you are dark, you are hell.

Oh wait, you didn't read this in some book that is over 1000 years old so it must be BS! Why is one book correct and the others wrong? What makes people think something like the King James Bible is correct and accurate or even LITERAL? Is it because YOU believe it or is it because at some point in your life SOMEONE *TOLD* you to believe it???

You know if people in this world would actually stand back for a moment and actually CONTEMPLATE that for moment and REALLY consider it instead of just blindly dismissing it because they're afraid they'll burn in hell if they don't, this world would be a LOT better off....

I'm a firm believer in God. But believing in God is one thing. Forcing others to believe what YOU believe at any cost is quite another. The very idea is crazy. If God was so concerned that people believe correctly, wouldn't He make sure that the truth was known to one and all? If not, why not? No one in any religious organization asks that one most important of all questions. WHY?

MOST religions have this problem because most people in those religions can't even CONTEMPLATE let alone actually consider the fact they might just be WRONG in their beliefs. SO WHAT IF YOU'RE WRONG? If you think God is going to send you to some "hell" like dimension because you were taught the wrong thing or believed the wrong thing, you have got some serious psychological problems to work out. This is why when people talk about cults, they talk about brainwashing because they're telling people what and how to think. They don't want people thinking for themselves....

What bothers me is how this world once again seems to be turning more and more towards spirtual myopia. The one thing the U.S. initially got right was its freedom of religion. That means you are FREE to think for yourself and not have someone else TELL you what to think or believe. Yet the so-called "right wing" or "fundamentalist" views in this country are becoming just as dangerous as fundamentalist type views in the Middle East or elsewhere. They're both based on the same idea that OUR VIEW is the RIGHT one and there can be NO ARGUMENT about it. It's the same view the Catholic Church held in the Dark (Middle) Ages and it's the same one that is starting to take root all over again in the 21st Century. It shows we haven't learned a thing in the past 2000+ years. History is repeating itself again and again and this time there are weapons of mass destruction to worry about being used in some kind of "holy war".

It's pathetic. It's just plain pathetic. Honestly, I don't know how such propoganda finds so many followers. The heads of churches (of most religions) have traditionally always been the ones sucking up the wealth, living the good life and telling OTHER people to go martyr themselves while they live it up in some palace somewhere and yet those blind followers just can't see what's right in front of their faces. It's POLITICAL, not SPIRITUAL people! Wake Up! You are dead spiritually. Come back to life!
It gets worse from day to day! Unbelievable! At first some people were upset, now they light up embassy! :wtf:

People need to stop acting like that at once!

It seems the affair is misused to force violence in conflict against other "religions" and other unbelievers. It's this: :rocket:

Who can understand?

Here is another cartoon. I hope I don't become upset about:


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There are evil forces in this world and they look and wait for something like this and then PUSH it for all its worth. It's simple logic. A cartoon is not worth violence, potentially murder or anything of the sort. I don't see Allah trying to burn down an embassy. I see people trying to do it that have been brainwashed into believing they will be REWARDED for doing EVIL. How can anyone with any common sense believe something like that or believe that God would ever REWARD purely evil deeds??? The final days are here. Expect it to get MUCH worse before it gets better. The few wish to force their will upon the masses and they are exceeding beyond their wildest expectations. Freedoms will soon be abolished here and elsewhere under the banner of protection and terrorism. Brother will turn against brother and all will suffer at their hands. Expect so-called fundamentalists (who are fundamentally brainwashed to NOT think for themselves) to kidnap, kill and assault more and more that are not like themselves. Skinheads in Russia. Embassies burning in Lebanon. It's all just more signs of the final war. Ignorance is the tool that the few use to control the masses. Fear is the weapon and false promises of rewards for doing evil is the method employed to encourage the mob mentality.

The next storm is nearly upon us. Expect another major natural disaster this year, bigger than the last two. It is a result of the increasing evil and desire to harm others on this planet. Hatred affects this world directly.
However, a very dangerous situation because of countless insane people!

Let's hope you are wrong.

What's about others reading here? Isn't this enough care to talk about?
False religious beliefs will be the downfall of mankind, there's no doubt about that. If more thought was given towards spirituality rather than religious doctrine, maybe things would get better. It's funny, no where in any religions bible does it say that you will be rewarded for killing, but, there are thousands of muslims that believe it's true. Of course there are many more thousands of muslims that don't believe it, but where are they? Why aren't they fighting against the lies that betray their own religion?
Probably because they would be next in line to be beheaded by their fucking insane extremist brainwashed counterparts....
I think this news clip proves my point perfectly:

BEIRUT, Lebanon - Muslim rage over caricatures of the prophet Muhammad grew increasingly violent Sunday as thousands of rampaging protesters — undaunted by tear gas and water cannons — torched the Danish mission and ransacked a Christian neighborhood. At least one person reportedly died and about 200 were detained, officials said.

All over a fucking cartoon.... UNBELIEVABLE. Those SOBS should be strung up by their balls and electrocuted through their assholes for killing innocents over a stupid cartoon.
Muslim “art critics†have fascinated and dismayed me for years (remember when good ol’ Cat Stevens supported the fatwah on Salman Rusdie? “Peace Trainâ€, indeed). An even more terrifying thought in the face of this recent brouhaha; what would happen if a newspaper printed a satirical comic with Jesus Christ as the subject matter? A virtual Christian shitstorm engulfed America in the 60s when John Lennon said that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus Christ (a statement that may very well have been true at the time), leading to hundreds of radio stations banning Beatles songs and just as many churches and religious organizations holding album-burning hoedowns. If anything, we’ve turned in to a more conservatively religious country since then. I’m betting ol’ Pope Dubya would be slapping some NSA wiretaps on calls to Denmark if they published a similar Christian-themed cartoon.
Freedom doesn't mean much if you can't express yourself. Freedom to insult? Damn straight. I'd insult any fucking murdering SOB that places dogma above human life. Do they really think Allah wants them to murder people? Innocent people that happen to be nearby over a cartoon? Do they believe for one SECOND that Allah is going to REWARD them for MURDERING someone? How fucking stupid can these brainwashed shits be? They are serving Satan (or the at least the concept of Satan) by acting as they do.

I would say the SAME thing about anyone that would DARE call himself or herself a Christian and then go bomb an abortion clinic or burn down someone's home, etc. in the name of God. These people know NOTHING of God. God is love, not hate.
What I find terrifying about the deadly religious path we seem to be following here in America isn’t the disturbed crazies who toss a pipe bomb inside an abortion clinic (or, in my hometown of Wichita, wound an abortion doctor in an assassination attempt). The extremists we need to worry about are wearing suits and ties. They’re running megachurches that hold national “Justice Sunday†telethons in hopes of electing religious nuts to the Supreme Court in hopes of overturning Roe v Wade, keeping homosexuals from marrying, doing whatever is in their power to chip away at our civil liberties. More frightening is the number of Republican congresspeople and senators that show up at these gatherings, blurring the already-thin line between Church and State. Bertrand Russell once said the following, and, unfortunately, I don’t see it changing any time soon:
“…every improvement in the criminal law, every step toward the diminution of war, every mitigation of slavery, every moral progress that there has been in the world has been consistently opposed by the organized churches of the world.â€
Or, this bumper sticker which sums up your view of God being Love, PD:
“Jesus, please save me from your followers.€
Wonder who invented religion? What is so scary is that religion, war, money, and power seem to go hand-in-hand. The best day of my life was when I gave up on religion and sought out my own spirituality. Religious brainwashing has been going on since the dawn of time, all that has changed it that now the violence can be spread much faster and be much deadlier than in the past. Ever notice that every organized religion Hates every other organized religion?
That's because they all think they are right and everyone else is going to hell or should go there just as soon as their followers can send them there with extreme prejudice....
It's funny, they would say we're evil for saying that they are evil. But it's funny, I don't go to church and don't consider myself a Christian. But, I wouldn't even think of doing anything like that. I mean I've seen some real hypocrites in my days...

I firmly believe that unless your totally insane, deep down inside you know your wrong when your wrong. Is this feeling somehow lost with extreme religions? I suppose it is a form of insanity.
Maybe we have to understand that these simple cartoons insult them from whatever reason. Probably it's ignorance.

But the reaction is like a german phrase, which can be translated analogously by (I find out from an online dictionary) "to use a steamroller to crack a nut". It's inadequate. And it's expanded to all different, independant if involved in some way or not. That's absolutely inacceptable.

That's nothing about any religion, it's a crime against any humanity.
It touches a nerve because maybe, just maybe there's some truth to that cartoon, namely that Islam is the excuse if not the cause of terrorism over there. Of course it's been distorted and taken to extremes by these people, but ultimately it's what's being used to push these young people into killing others and themselves. It's no different than when Constantine turned Christianity into an evil political movement and eventually forced a riff in the church (which only kept on rifting since they all have it wrong). The problem is that ANY movement, no matter how good the intent will be distorted and maimed by those that seek glory and power only for themselves. More often than not, the churches are run by evil greedy SOBs that live it up while they send others to starve or kill themselves for a cause. Those leaders would NEVER suicide bomb anyone because they are hypocrites. The problem is these religions do not tell people to ask questions or think for themselves. They DICTATE to them what they should do for almost any situation and the clerics will "interpret" for them for modern situations (basically they just make shit up and tell the people to do as they say).

Now if you look at the Gnostic version of Christianity, it ENCOURAGES you to ask questions and seek God out for yourself. The socio-political movements guaranteed that version would be wiped from the face of the earth because governments wanted to control people, not have them think for themselves or believe they should have an equal say in government. It's only logical to see that kind of thing for what it is, so the first thing they DRILL into your head in any religion as a child is that your elders know everything and you should listen to them and respect them. They then have you sit there while they TELL you what to think.

If you go to any so-called Christian church, you will probably find they do not read much from the Bible itself. They sing and have you sing and they lead you in prayer and then they give you a SERMON on some topic and use a few quotes sporadically picked here and there and put them together to make it sound like the Bible supports what they're preaching to you and then send you on your way. You've just been brainwashed....

I think you'll find most congregation members have NOT read the Bible in its entirety, let alone looked to see if there are any other books left out of the Bible (such things are heresy according to the church) and many that have read it either don't understand and/or they take it all LITERALLY (sigh). What they don't understand they then ask their preacher about who then feeds them his (that denomination's) agenda.

But some segments of Islam today is largely what so-called Christianity was in the Middle Ages. They actually have the NERVE to call free speech barbarism in this case while they're off cutting off innocent people's fucking heads!!!!! And WE are the fucking barbarians???? We are the infidels? We are the "Great Satan" while they kidnap people and cut off their heads? Paleeze. How fucking BRAINWASHED can you get??? I mean really.....

I quit the whole religion thing some time ago. I don't go to church anymore. I read and think for myself. I'm sure many so-called Christians would label me a heretic. What do they know? They know nothing. They are blind and deaf. Why should any of the other world religions (including Islam) be any different in a political sense? It's about power over the people, not God.

It is interesting to note that in Christianity, Jesus is a humble servant, without pride or personal interests in the world around him. And yet while most churches recognize that he is the living example of God's personality and will, it seems to go right over their heads somehow. What is humble about any of these guys on TV preaching? They're actors. Where did someone like Pat Robertson get the idea he should judge other people and say God is punishing them when something bad happens to someone or a natural disaster occurs? Some of the most prominent quotes of Jesus include to not judge lest you be judged according to your own standards of judgment. Yeah, these so-called church leaders shouldn't be telling anyone to think anything about someone else. They forget the lesson of he without sin should cast the first stone.

No, organized religion is usually bad because people are flawed. You can't have someone else tell you what to think or believe. You have to find God yourself. You know God gave most everyone a conscience. Most people know between right and wrong, but you wouldn't guess it by their behaviors that they claim to do in God's name. It's because they don't THINK. They don't listen to their conscience. They listen to brainwashing.
Uh, what a long post to read and understand. I will translate mabye tomorrow.

However, I don't go to any church and I don't have any religion. There is freedom of religion here. I think on my own. I think I can decide between good and bad (in my opinion). I'm not brainwashed. You are absolutly wrong about me.

I just don't want to increase violence and hate between religions needlessly by any unmindful comment and I don't want to upset any members here, who maybe have any religion, whatever it is.

That's maybe a sign of tolerance. I feel engaged especially of being a supporter of FC St. Pauli, Hamburg, Germany.
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It's a pretty good read.
I don't care for the local Americans Family *fanatics* Association , but I don't worry about them starting a murderous rampage over cartoons critisizing Christianity, heck I've been offended by some cartoons, but killing people over cartoons is wrong...
it's worth pointing out that this trouble was planned to make muslims look bad.
the pic's they saw arent just the ones in the paper, there where much worse ones slipped in including one with a worshipper kneeling to pray while a dog fucks him from behind!

it's also questionable why muslims in the mddle-east would have copies of a tiny right-wing dutch rag 2 days after circulation and also have a handy supply of flags to burn!

these things do make you start to think.

it's probably a plan by us/israel/uk to make muslims look bad in the runup to the bombing of iran that will come soon.

talking of iran, there leader 'jad has told his people to calm down and said that freedom of expresion in the press must be respected.
he then opened a competition in the iranian press for the best holocaust cartoon.

funny how when he did that the same people in the west that had said that feedom of expression must be respected started bitchin' :D
even the whitehouse-taliban came out in a press-conference and started making threats over it!

it looks like what's o.k. for one side is frowned upon when the other side starts to play.

march-23 is D-day btw, iran opens it's oil-trading center on that day removing the middlemen and that's why bush/cheney want to nuke them!
Muslims make themselves look bad when they target civilians in terrorists operations.
Imagine if the US sent soliders into a terrorist supporting country and took all the women and childrenm from a village, and tortured and killed the women and children, videotaping the whole scenario and publishing it on the web? Yet terrorists do that, they attack women and children, torture and murder them, videotape it, and brag about suicide bombers getting virgins in paradise for killing innocents...

I'm sorry if a cartoon offends you, but torture and murder aren't acceptable ways of dealing with sacrilidge...Christians have to put up with sacrilidge in their own country all the time.
Paratech, not ALL Muslims do that though. Be careful not to group all Muslims in the same catagory. I just with the normal Muslims would come forward and fight the extremists!!

and Highwayman....how do you know that this was the case? That other images were slipped in? How do you suppose the extremist muslims received the dutch newspaper? Are you supposing that some type of US/Israel/UK contact handed them out personally?

I just think you conspiracy theories will never hold up here...
the mid-east peeps got the material from a ditch imam that took it over there to stir trouble, that's documented.

i dont trust anybody since the main "suspect" of organising the london bombings was identified as MI6!!!

london was bombed by pro's, not suiciders, so was spain.
911 was a full setup, no question.

as for taking women & children and torturing/killing them on video - i'v seen and heard enough about south-america and abu-graeb over the years thanks,
you can keep the work of u.s. inteligence officers to yourself.

if anybody thinks muslims are blowing up western targets then i'll post some links to some facts you wont like.

they dont point to who does do this stuff, but they show who's lying and covering it up by passing the blame so poorly.
Why didn't you post the links?

As far as I understand we are talking about understanding and if your links would help, what's wrong about?

Isn't there free speech here?
The iran-contra thing was a complete setup too. Notice we don't have any actors running for president lately? They would all lie too convincingly. (I don't remember, yeah sure.)
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