Demo (Original)

SS Original Table FizX BAM FP Demo (Original) Alfa_022

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Solid State Machines
Future Pinball
oh they got into this account? is that all they did?
im making rounds and changing passwords
did it log a IP? if so can you post the info. I got into some remote stuff and was pissed and deleted things and i think it made them mad, full force. my bank took to weeks to get things fairly resolved.
Yes they hacked this account that you are on right now.
Instead of Spam Cleaning your name, we forced a Password Reset.

Sounds like you have been through hell!
Hopefully things get back to normal for you as soon as possible.
let me think about it and we will go from there. I should update IronMan and BackToTheFuture to the newest fizsX, I dont feel right leaving them the way they are. They play better, but not the way they should.
Do you have Pinball M? Grab the demo and check out checky layout.. Or I coulf probably steam share it with you. I have all the tables for Fx )accept a couple) and all of pinball M. I gott all the fx tables at like 80% off :)

I'll take care of Iron Man.
I finished putting fizX on several tables a while ago. I could post some, but I prefer to wait and give the other one the chance to post first. I did "transform" last time and I still have several more to do too. I would really like Tron Legacy!
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