Bally Solved Doctor Who (Bally, 1992) PF question


Pinball Player
Aug 21, 2009
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Hello all,

I own a Doctor Who pinball and one of the lamp holes on the play field is sticking out a little and when the ball runs over it it jumps. It seems to be chipping it too. Indicated here in the white arrow. The "Transmat" hole.

Can these be replaced, adjusted?



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if it's 'sticking out' it may be that th wood around it has worn down. Yes you can remove the lights from the bottom of the playfield but this is tricky. your best bet is to use a wood putty around the lip of the light to even it out (if that is indeed the problem). Underneath is a whole other world! if you've never worked on a bottom of a pin be careful! there are MANY things that can give you quite an electrical jolt under there! you may have to remove the targets around the light plug. take a picture with a digital camera BEFORE you start to ensure no crossed wires or missing parts after finishing. at times the lights themselves do push in usually due to wear around the lip of the hole again, but try just pushing it gently from...
if it's 'sticking out' it may be that th wood around it has worn down. Yes you can remove the lights from the bottom of the playfield but this is tricky. your best bet is to use a wood putty around the lip of the light to even it out (if that is indeed the problem). Underneath is a whole other world! if you've never worked on a bottom of a pin be careful! there are MANY things that can give you quite an electrical jolt under there! you may have to remove the targets around the light plug. take a picture with a digital camera BEFORE you start to ensure no crossed wires or missing parts after finishing. at times the lights themselves do push in usually due to wear around the lip of the hole again, but try just pushing it gently from underneath to see if it moves at all. if it does then you must make it NOT move, but don't use any glue as then you will make certain it NEVER can come out ever!!
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