Pop 'n Pinball (Fisher Price, 1992) VP8

VP8 Recreation Fisher-Price Pop N Pinball released v1.0 2020-01-28

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Patrick, tiltjlp, and Pangier are at long last releasing their Fisher-Price Pop N Pinball toy recreation. Aimed at toddlers, the actual game has only one ball, and plays for 90 seconds before turning itself off. Remember, toddlers have very short attention spans, and would never worry about an on-off switch.

Our version does have 5 balls, and the animal’s eyes light up rather than their heads popping up. Pangier provided us with three electronic sounds from the game, which are used, the picture used to build the game, and sent tiltjlp the game, to help make the game as true to the real game as we could make it. Other sounds, including a monkey, lion, and hippo, have been added to add to the enjoyment of the tots who may play Pop N Pinball.

The rule sheet has been included in the zip file, and also in the Table Information. Patrick and tiltjlp felt that Dino/Pangier deserved to be listed as a co-author, since his help and cooperation have improved out release. Hope that special toddler of yours, or just you, enjoys Pop N Pinball as my friend’s grandchild enjoys playing the game her new Uncle Dino sent her.

This one pretty much defied categorizing, since we don't have a Rug Top game section, so I placed in with our Counter Tops. You can get it by following the link and paging down to it.




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