Future Pinball and BAM Essentials - All in One

BAM FP Future Pinball and BAM Essentials - All in One 2.7

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Future Pinball
TerryRed updated Future Pinball and BAM Essentials - All in One - COMPLETE with a new update entry:

2.6 - BAM update v1.5-380, new BAM Settings BAT files, all guides updated

- updated BAM and BAM OpenVR files to 1.5-380 (more than just bam.dll was updated!)
- dmdext.exe updated to 2.3.0
- new app : fpRAM Editor
- new : "BAM Settings xxx - Reset and Install.bat" files that easily resets and installs the required BAM settings for the modes you play in
- new : "BACKUP - important files and folders for FP-BAM.bat" file to easily backup important settings and files
- BAM-OpenVR-OC can now be used with Virtual Desktop (VDXR) - info updated in BAM OpenVR Guide
- all...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Simply put.... you REQUIRE this new 2.6 update to play the soon to be released Masters of the Universe - Collector's Edition
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Why didn't Ravarcade post version 1.5-380 at the following link or on his web site?

Most likely because he is working on other updates for an even newer release. He probably doesn't want to do new compiles for all his installers / zips for every single beta update. That's not unusual.

This isn't the first time I've included a newer beta before the next official update is posted on his site. It's required as a minimum for MOTU CE, so that's why its being added to this package now... and this package has what's needed for MOTU CE either way (patched for 4 GB access, extra files for FizX, etc).

So otherwords.... everyone install this package and be properly updated, and don't overthink it. :)
Most likely because he is working on other updates for an even newer release. He probably doesn't want to do new compiles for all his installers / zips for every single beta update. That's not unusual.

This isn't the first time I've included a newer beta before the next official update is posted on his site. It's required as a minimum for MOTU CE, so that's why its being added to this package now... and this package has what's needed for MOTU CE either way (patched for 4 GB access, extra files for FizX, etc).

So otherwords.... everyone install this package and be properly updated, and don't overthink it. :)
Masters of the Universe - Collector's Edition

VR mode doesn't show table items during attract and other events.


The decals, and many table items disappear during attract, start of game and ball drain, but they come back when a new ball is created.
This was caused by a DEV setting in the BAM menu that was left on and saved to the BAM settings files I have you install for VR only (I didn't see it as I used a different BAM VR folder for testing).

The solution is easy
  • while playing (in VR as it uses separate settings), open the BAM menu (~ or Q)
  • make your way to the DEV Options menu
  • if the "Use One Shader" settings is ON, then you'll have the missing items as shown in the first image
  • change "Use One Shader" top OFF to fix the issue, and it should look like the second pic
That's it. This problem can effect any mode if this setting is on... but for some reason it was left on in the settings file I had for VR. Sorry about that.

I'll have a fixed settings file in the next small update to FP and BAM Essentials AIO to resolve it.


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TerryRed updated Future Pinball and BAM Essentials - All in One - COMPLETE with a new update entry:

2.7 - VR Fixes!

VR Settings fixes!

- new updated Install txt file (to act as a quick install - text only guide)
- new "BAM Settings for VR" to replace the files from 2.6 that had an incorrect DEV setting (that caused graphics glitches, missing items in VR only)

I highly recommend everyone install this update, to ensure you have proper updated BAM VR settings files!

If you have a working install from a previous version of this AIO package:

- then simply install the new files over your current...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Hey Terry, great work - I would love to play your Star Wars Table, cause it looks amazing but I have some issues with Future Pinball. Before and after your update-Guidelines and DirectX and so on, I can open Future Pinball via Bam but when i wanna load a table it causes an error: "Can't open opengl window". Do you have an idea how to solve this? I googled this error but only 1 had the same prob and solve it by checking his solution. I also did that, but mine were fine. My graphic driver should work too - VPX and Pinup Popper is working great... I dont know what else I should check.
Hey Terry, great work - I would love to play your Star Wars Table, cause it looks amazing but I have some issues with Future Pinball. Before and after your update-Guidelines and DirectX and so on, I can open Future Pinball via Bam but when i wanna load a table it causes an error: "Can't open opengl window". Do you have an idea how to solve this? I googled this error but only 1 had the same prob and solve it by checking his solution. I also did that, but mine were fine. My graphic driver should work too - VPX and Pinup Popper is working great... I dont know what else I should check.

I've never seen that myself, but it usually means you don't have an OpenGL capable GPU or one that is set to be your default GPU for games.

If you are running Intel based GPU, that may have issues if the driver is not compatible.

Beyond that... it's not a FP problem, but something on your PC that is either not setup / updated correctly, is not capable of running FP-BAM correctly, or you have something running in the background preventing FP-BAM from running.
Maybe its because Mircosoft changed my grapic card driver hat one point from my latest AMD to and old Microsoft. I changed it back and as I said, VPX is working fine, but maybe the change back affected FP. I will reinstall the graphic card drivers again and hope it works. Thank you for your fast answer, u motivated to keep on solving this issue. And thanks for your awesome work!
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    Guest Alena has joined the room.
  • A (Guest) Alena:
    I’m looking for Contact (1933, Williams)
  • A (Guest) Alena:
    (AI prompt) is contact available (1933 version)?
  • ChatGPT @ ChatGPT:
    @, As of my knowledge cutoff in 2023, the 1933 version of the film "Contact" does not exist. It seems there might be a confusion with the title or the year. The well-known film "Contact" is a science fiction drama released in 1997, directed by Robert Zemeckis and starring Jodie Foster and Matthew McConaughey. It is based on the 1985 novel of the same name by Carl Sagan.

    If you are looking for a different film from 1933 or a film with a similar title, please provide more details so I can assist you better. If you are indeed referring to the 1997 film "Contact," it is widely available on various streaming platforms, DVD, and Blu-ray.
  • A (Guest) Alena:
    No I mean the 1933 version of the pinball Contact
  • D @ DLWood:
    New to FP. I'm on Linux and using Lutris. Have installed FP from the Lutris repo. It does not have BAM support so I can only play non-BAM tables. Some of the tables show up w/o a playfield image...how do I fix that?
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