BAM FP BAM OpenVR Guide (by TerryRed)

Future Pinball
So yesterday I went on to a much powerful PC - i5-10600k oc'ed to 4.9GHz, 3200Mhz memory cas16 and a beast of rtx3080.

I've already wrote much but now I have other tests to confirm that it does make a difference even in hardware powerful enough to masks problems unless you're looking for them and even then depends on the title your playing, especially on the popular 1080p60Hz format.

Use it, abuse it:

bcdedit /deletevalue useplatformclock
bcdedit /set disabledynamictick yes

I've also found the 3080 does not use IRQ but MSI for interrupt signalling which makes sense. But for some reason even a card like my 1080 uses IRQ! It supports MSI so you have to force it. IRQ is not a problem if the GPU is the only one to use it. Anyway, mine is force to MSI and priority high, it didn't hurt but "feels" safer in case a new piece of hardware decides to use the same IRQ...

If you're so inclined to try (at your own risk) mess with this, look for irq vs msi nvidia and msi_util v2 or v3.

Quicker and easier way to change and test the HPET bug here.
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Just found this thread after a few days scratching my head regarding the judder issue regarding FP. Earlier in this thread the symptom was described incredibly well by another commenter so at least we all know we are reading from the same hymn page.

My system is based around a Ryzen 7 5800X and a RTX 2080TI FE. Quest 2.

VPX runs flawlessly. I'm using VD wired. Open composite. I've read Terry's guides till I was blue in the face and got minimal results. Very frustrating when you consider my favourite tables are mostly TH's ultimate pro tables. Halloween being my utmost fave being such a nutter for the movie!

I'm no expert in all this but I'll be trying everything I heave read here and will report back as soon as I get some results.

Many thanks for all the hard work guys...!
Just to clarify regarding the Bam.dll v315 file is all I need to copy and paste and not the entire folder? Yeah I'll back up the old dll just to be on the safe side. Thanks...
Just to clarify regarding the Bam.dll v315 file is all I need to copy and paste and not the entire folder? Yeah I'll back up the old dll just to be on the safe side. Thanks...
Yes, that's what fixed it for me.
Hey all, that dll fixed the stuttering of the table for me too. Before using the 315 dll I noticed my cpu frametime was 370ms in FP :-/
After the 315 it's now around 8ms so that's great.
I get a stable 90fps too (the max fps for my G2 Reverb) but the ball still seems very floaty/ghosting/warping when it goes fast.
Does everybody have this or could there still be something wrong on my end?

Did you try what I wrote in post #51 above? Go directly to the link. as it's easier by using the app and you get factual test results.
The only thing is that IF you need to change something value you have to reboot. Windows pain :)

But if this too doesn't solve your issue, I'm also out of ideas.

At some point though a higher version of BAM will have to be installed. The pool table as example, won't run on anything less than bam 328.
Hi AnonTet, no I haven't because I was/am not exactly sure what that does :) But I'm running in 90hz and just read Terrys advice to run it in 60hz mode so will give that a shot when I get home first. Otherwise I'll try your tip, thanks :)
So yeah tried the 315 .dll and its largely cured the floaty table issue. Its not perfect but at least its playable. The strangely acting ball persists however. Like Warrie I have yet to apply any of Terry's tweaks. The AnonTet fix regarding forcing msi over irq is a little over my paygrade unless a little more info is forethcoming. But yeah we seem to be getting there. Lets hope that this problem is taken into account on the next BAM update.
I'm sorry I cannot summarize HPET better than that website. I do understand but I lack english wording skills as it is not my mother tongue.

I can only state that +my+ experiences from an older laptop to a high end setup in both HPET bug and IRQ vs MSI signalling. I have yet to test on the only AMD PC I own so if you are on this camp and test, let me know of your results (via PM is also fine. I'm curious)

One more important thing you guys might have a look at is the slot where your GPU seats. It does happen every now and then that the GPU is not on the 1st slot, for those who have more than one. It is right below the CPU and you really want it to be there :)

Trust me brother, your English wording skills are not being judged here because they are exemplary. It is my lack of technical background that is at fault. I'll take another look a the article and try to fathom what is being discussed. You have my humble thanks for the work that you have already brought to solving this issue.
Your English is way better than mine AnonTet :) I tested in 60hz mode but that made the weird balleffect even worse. Someone on FB just described it as if the ball isn't rendered correctly for both eyes and I think that describes it perfectly.
Thank you guys for the kind words but my vocabulary is still lacking, I know it. I'd try to explain better otherwise.

Can you check if the last 3 lines of output running "bcdedit /enum" (run insde cmd window as administrator) is like this:

useplatformclock No
useplatformtick Yes
disabledynamictick Yes

BAM OVR updated !
I haven't tried it yet

No big change in VR, with my Quest2,with this new version
On the other hand, I noticed that the cpu frames increase when there is flash of light
No big change in VR, with my Quest2,with this new version
On the other hand, I noticed that the cpu frames increase when there is flash of light
No earthshattering leap in stability then? I'll still give it ago seeing as it could have varying results with setup. Thanks for the heads up Gimli.
Hmm. I though I've commented on this before. I did try on release day (but only one table). Biggest difference for me were CPU frame times decreasing from 500ms or 1000ms (this were "locked" for some reason) to between 90-100ms?!

Then again I do not own a Quest2 and could only try one table for a few minutes on an older Vive. Still not quite happy with this cpu frame times as they don't make any sense even though playability is really smooth on a 144Hz monitor or on that 90Hz Vive.

Steam was updated again though, so my comment can be worth even less than I though!
Anyone recognise this viewer / setup?

I saw that on Reddit yesterday, and was really impressed. I guess those special lighted panels are needed to better display the fighter jet's instruments?
Anyone recognise this viewer / setup?

I saw that on Reddit yesterday, and was really impressed. I guess those special lighted panels are needed to better display the fighter jet's instruments?
very cool
Good ole Mike used infra red illuminators to play Blair Witch project in a forest at night
very cool
Good ole Mike used infra red illuminators to play Blair Witch project in a forest at night
Wow. Is the main point of those handheld suckers to interact tactilely with objects? Like, could you use special gloves or something, instead?

I've also seen setups where the player is standing on a smooth floor, with a restraint around their waist. That lets them run around the VR world, but stay in one (safe) location physically.

I must say, I've typically thought of most VR applications as being kind of gaming overkill, but I'm thinking I might actually like some of this stuff, in practice. For example, I'm somewhat homebound, and get tired of doing mostly the same exercises all the time. But I could see some kind of VR setup as being a fresh way to get some good physical activity.
Wow. Is the main point of those handheld suckers to interact tactilely with objects? Like, could you use special gloves or something, instead?

I've also seen setups where the player is standing on a smooth floor, with a restraint around their waist. That lets them run around the VR world, but stay in one (safe) location physically.

I must say, I've typically thought of most VR applications as being kind of gaming overkill, but I'm thinking I might actually like some of this stuff, in practice. For example, I'm somewhat homebound, and get tired of doing mostly the same exercises all the time. But I could see some kind of VR setup as being a fresh way to get some good physical activity.
ya its quite cool
My 2 brother-in - laws and father-in-law and another buddy all have Oculus Q2 and we
play paint ball and minigolf together and chit chat

I also do some karaoke using Bigscreen but it is kinda of choppy but fun. The room host just streams youtube links from his/her pc for song titles

I play Raquet Fury a little bit with another friend
@Gimli, is that minigolf cross platform with the valve index? i want to try :)
@Gimli, is that minigolf cross platform with the valve index? i want to try :)
It may be cross platform I am not sure ?

The paintball is a free program called "recroom" and that is cross platform. Very cartoony avatars , but fun with frineds
Bigscreen is cross platform
i was forcing myself not to install recroom but it seems its a nice place to hangout.

i'll check that minigolf later becasue today is simracing day :)

...anyone try out Oculus Air Link?

I only briefly tried it on my older PC, and it seemed to work nicely. I found the games I couldnt get to work on VD wireless worked perfect on Air Link.

Another thing that Air Link does.... it works with Open Composite (VD wireless does not). That means you can use it with BAM Open VR and not need to bother with SteamVR at all for FP.

I honestly havent tested it o my newer VR PC yet.... but I'm curious if anyone else has tried it out with FP-BAM and was kind of results,etc.

I'm been busy working away at Silent Hill on RF2.
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