BAM Getting the "Ext" part of an object reference - requires Eval?


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Sep 21, 2017
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Indiana Jones (Williams)
Ok I've gone through many different posts from the past couple of years trying to figure out. It looks like I have to use Eval to get the Ext version of an object.

  • if given an object reference, call it "obj",
    • And if object is a type of object in FP and BAM which has an "Ext" part,
  • how can I get to the Ext part? Is the only way via the Eval function?
sub ModifyLight( light)
    dim lightExt

    set lightExt = Eval(light.Name & "Ext")

    light.State = BulbOn
    lightExt.SetLitColor 255, 0, 0

end sub
For any BAM commands that already have an Ext function, just add this line to the top of your script to enable those commands.

xBAM.CreateAllExt() ' create BAM Extension commands
For any BAM commands that already have an Ext function, just add this line to the top of your script to enable those commands.

xBAM.CreateAllExt() ' create BAM Extension commands
Thanks! Yup, I do use the Ext part when I have the named object handy like LeftSlingshotBulb1Ext.Brightness... but if I create a function where I pass in an object reference, there doesn't seem to be a way to get the Ext.

For example, if I call the above function (first post) with
ModifyLight LeftSlingshotBulb1

inside the ModifyLight function I can't get the "Ext" without doing the Eval.
Assuming you want to modify x bulbs named Bulb1 to Bulbx
Dim MyBulbs(x)
Set MyBulb(1) = Bulb1Ext: ...
Modif x, y ' x is the number of bulb, y is what you want to do
Sub Modif(Name, What)
MyBulb(Name).SetLitColor What, 0, 0)
End Sub

Look at that -> Remove Eval
Thanks for the reply! As I was looking into what Rav said on that other thread (remove the need for Eval/Execute) I was reminded again that he created the "xBam.Item" function. This was perfect for my needs and it was just something that I forgot that he did it. Thanks for reminding me to look at that thread.

sub ModifyLight( light)
    dim lightExt

    set lightExt = xBAM.Item(light.Name & "Ext") 'no Eval()!

    light.State = BulbOn
    lightExt.SetLitColor 255, 0, 0

end sub
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