Got my eBay Bagatelle today


PN co-founder
Jun 9, 2003
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Favorite Pinball Machine
Flying Trapeze 1934
Well, the T Cohn Inc bagatelle I won on eBay arrived today, and for being about 70 years old, I'm surprised how good a shape it's in. It measures 6"by14", has a red metal frame, a wood playing field, and the glass is in perfect condidtion. There are five small balls that are shot by pulling back a spring loaded shooter, whiich has a ball loading cut out in its side.

The only flaw is one of the tin swing-down feet is broken off, but it's small enough that you can hold it in your hand to play a game. There are 20 brads, and 15 shallow, circular cutouts for the ball to land in, with point values from 5 to 70 points. The cutouts are so shallow that the ball doesn't land in one of them that often. Along with the new bagatelle I brought through a mail order house a few weeks ago, and should get within a month or so. I guess I'm on my way to being a miniature baagatelle collector, economy version. At least the small ones are easier to store or display than those large home-sale jobs.

Those electric Northwestern must really be cool, and there are a few I've seen pix of I'd like to have, but they're usually out of my budget range. I wouldn't buy one unless it worked, like that one does. But for now, I think I'll stick with the small ones, since they take up a lot less space. Now if somehow I get instantly wealthy, my plans will change rather quickly.

Congratulations on your purchase! Hope you enjoy it and are able to enjoy many more. If I ever win the lottery, I'll adopt all of you and we can all buy machines! 8)
Well, in that case, not only will I wish you luck, I'll cross my fingers, toes, and eyes. But I promise if you do adopt me, I won't start calling you Mom. It'll be interesting to see if the new one I'll be getting in a few weeks is made as well as this one, which is about 70 years old. The phrase They don't make things like the used to seems to hold true most of the time.

That is why I love flipperless pinball - to me it's a lot more fun than the flippered version. Besides, modern pinballs seem to have a useful life of a year or so tops, after that they're not too much fun anymore.
I feel the same way about more modern tables, SS and newer. I do like EMs, especially the eariler ones, almost as much as preflippered games. What appeals to me most about preflipperd machines is the unending variety and styles. That said, I do paly and enjoy modern VP tables, but I much perfer the older ones.

Well, I got my new mail order bagatelle yeaterday afternoon, and I was pleasently surprised. It's made in China, about 14" X 32", and is very well made, and reather nicely designed, considering it doesn't have a glass over the playfield. The entire game is built into a box frame, I think it's called, and so you set it on a table to play. There are 10 small balls, and one at a time gets shot my the short plunger knob. There are maybe 50 or so small round-headed brass nails/brads, which sound musical as the ball bounces down the relaxed playfield, to land in one of nine scoring slots, ranging in value from 10 to 50 points.

Window shopping is always fun. Plus, you never know what interesting items you might find.
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