Guess the Game!

A good Williams...
I'll recreated it maybe...
Second clue...


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"Drop it creep!"
"You're coming with me, dead or alive!"

Edited to protect the innocent.
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Not sure what brought on the "sad face", as I was just trying to be helpful to others who were guessing.
Tried giving them a small clue with the "Just the facts ma'am" quote from Dragnet, which I then edited out, after your sad face was posted.

I am not good at this game, so when I do figure one out, I like to post answer as soon as possible.
I apologise if my hint made you post sad face.

La Retata (Geiger, 1992)
IPD No. 4440

Weird combination of characters, although they all have one common theme. Police Officers.
I also don't remember Tom Hanks playing in the movie Dragnet!

Anyways on to next table....


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Not sure what brought on the "sad face", as I was just trying to be helpful to others who were guessing.
Tried giving them a small clue with the "Just the facts ma'am" quote from Dragnet, which I then edited out, after your sad face was posted.
A) It is a game, do not take a smilie face seriously.
B) If i had a real issue, I would have sent you a PM
C) I thought it would take longer, Days, not fraking 30 minutes :p
A) It is a game, do not take a smilie face seriously.
B) If i had a real issue, I would have sent you a PM
C) I thought it would take longer, Days, not fraking 30 minutes :p

I just typed in "robocop" to IPDB search, and 3 tables came up.
When I noticed the art was not from Robocop table, I checked the others.
It's a convertion game (from High Speed), I think.
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It's a convertion game (from High Speed).
And you just guessed correctly (High Speed) on the last pic, so your turn my friend.
I tried to throw in the triple whammy, to throw off the trail. This was the 3rd table in the Robocop search at IPDB.
La Retata
High Speed
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And you just guessed correctly (High Speed) on the last pic, so your turn my friend.
I tried to throw in the triple whammy, to throw off the trail. This was the 3rd table in the Robocop search at IPDB.
La Retata
High Speed
It's not my turm, it's your dear @xenonph
My last pic was High Speed. You guessed right.
Your turn. I insist.


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Ok next pic.


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Checkpoint Data East - 1991
Pin-Bot WIlliams - 1986
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