Handheld Simulators


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Nov 10, 2015
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Play Handheld games online..

(Adobe Flashplayer install required for this one)

So here are a couple of links to Handheld Simulators...

Here is link to MADrigal's simulators site...
and download page...

Key features
* Full compatibility with arcade cabinets
* Fullscreen mode features custom-made FullHD wallpapers.
* Windowed mode available (optional)
* Graphics and sounds are skin-based and can be replaced entirely.
* VFD sprites cast light glows providing a beautiful neon light effect.
* Fully operable via keyboard, mouse and touch screen.
* On-screen menu, key configurator and instructions manual.
* High scores are recorded into the System Registry.

You can download the games individually, or just download the MADrigal CD Collection that includes all 62 games produced by Luca MADrigal Antignano.!!!

This package that has been put together on the CD is amazing!!! He really did a great job!!
The onscreen instruction manuals also are very helpful!!

It is 146MB of great games from the past!!


And this second link has a 595MB package and other single Handheld Simulators on this page...

The 595MB package has all the other Handheld Simulators that are not on MADrigal's site, and are made by other people in the Handheld emulation community.
There are also many manuals included in the package, but they are not built in like MADrigal's.

With these 2 links, you should be able to acquire a great many of these Handheld Simulators to add to your collection!!
(I would say the most complete collection available!!)

I am not an affilliate of either site, but am just passing on these helpful links to help others.
I have not directly linked to any downloads, only the page that has the download links.


Emulation is the preservation of history!!!
Have fun!!

- https://www.handheldmuseum.com/
- https://www.electronicplastic.com/
- http://handheldempire.com/


- http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/default.php?search=mame&genere=28192

(link is a little wonky right now, but I'll fix it later)


Handhelds have always interested me, and I'm not entirely sure why. Maybe it was something like the 'Atari 2600 box principle,' in which the most gorgeous, imaginative art would appear on the boxes, and it was kinda like gambling to see if the actual product was remotely as good.

In both cases, usually the games were playable for a little while, then quickly forgotten for the most part. Sometimes though, the games were surprisingly good, and had real staying power. In terms of my total handheld experiences, that was true of Star Wars Electronic Battle Command (Kenner, 1979).


That was a dang good game (and now emulated in MAME), which riffed on the classic Star Trek computer game from the late 70's. It was also 'deluxe' in build, featuring a sprawling little console which nicely maintained the theme & ambience of the game. By comparison, a couple even more impressive-looking games I owned, like AD&D desktop & Coleco Pac-man (attached), were fairly mediocre in actual game play and replayability.

Btw, speaking of that late-70's Star Trek game, here's a delightful little web version which folds in graphics from the classic Star Trek 25th anniversary game for PC.


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So, my buddy Johnny over at Reddit made new artwork for Tsukuda Pachinko. You can grab it here:

On my end, I'm finishing up the basics on the "Black Knight" handheld, but have an idea that I cribbed from VP in order to make the LED lights far more realistic than we've ever seen before in a MAME handheld. Early WIP shot attached:

Actually I'm a bit scared that I'm going to be labelled a heretic by the purist MAME crowd, but we'll see, we'll see!


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With that theme, you'll be labelled heretic by the pinball crowd as well :D

Nice job though. Looks great.
Hey now...

I had the DK version of the pac-man game. Fun games for their time.
Unfortunately, when I reconstituted the artwork for Black Knight, I unknowingly rendered it disproportional. In other words, when I got the LED's all placed correctly due to the original layout, they looked wonky (i.e. offset, poorly positioned).

When I realised that back in late March, I got angry & discouraged, assuming that I would have to totally rework the art with a fine-tooth razor, to mangle a popular saying, lol.

proportion problem.jpg

I think though what I'm going to do, because MAME still badly needs some artwork (any artwork!) for this game, is to just screw around with the positioning of the LED's, such that they look 'good enough.'

But here's the REAL problem--

See how the LED in the shooter lane has a little white-ish spot?
Well, that's the beginning of my artistic attempt to simulate what LED's actually look like, when lit. But it also leads to a question. Namely-- where and why do those little hotspots appear in old LED's?

Like, are they sort of an illusion that appears in proportion to how the eye sees the LED? Or is there a physical element involved, which might explain why different LEDs viewed from the very same angle can look wildly different..?

I have no friggn' clue right now, but some examples below:


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