How did you like that movie / TV show / book?

Ah really just watched the first 3 episodes of South Park Season 20..really it's just scary funny how spot on they called it...
<<<The Way We Were

Those great old game shows form a window into USA's educated, cultured and civilized past. You know, back when appreciation for improving life styles, optimism and opportunity for all was never in doubt. Do our Orwellian Overlords want to throw those old prints and tapes down a memory hole? Then our intellectuals can watch reruns of Jeff Foxworthy matching wits with 10 year olds.
Those great old game shows form a window into USA's educated, cultured and civilized past. You know, back when appreciation for improving life styles, optimism and opportunity for all was never in doubt. Do our Orwellian Overlords want to throw those old prints and tapes down a memory hole? Then our intellectuals can watch reruns of Jeff Foxworthy matching wits with 10 year olds.
no offense, coily-- let's try that again?
actually, one thing i'm getting a sense of from historians is that the USA sort of set itself up for massive future problems, post WWII. that doesn't mean there wasn't a boom and prosperity period, and nice things to fondly remember, but evidently it came at the expense of future sustainability, so to speak. sort of what we're witnessing right now in china, which has enjoyed some tremendous prosperity for decades, but now is sliding towards ruin, even as they're getting more and more aggressive

anyway, for the USA, my understanding is that we built too much infrastructure too quickly, embraced madison avenue too quickly, got too easily hooked on gadgets and products (most produced elsewhere), and found too many ways to exploit fossil fuels.

things such as these are hard to sustain and the price seems to keep ramping up... just as other parts of the world are also experiencing, of course.
Going way off topic there squire Ike, still as an outsider perhaps the War based economics of the US is it's major deficit.

Inventing new imaginary wars, like war on drugs or terrorism to attempt to sell overpriced weapons to those they might incite to support such is failing. Whilst paying out big-time to keep that war machine going is never going to be a lead to prosperity, how about a nice game of chess?

Meanwhile I did get through Bob the Cat, OK it grew another whisker, so 3 out 6..
Recently I watched Don't Breathe.

It was really fun. I love movies of that sort. It's not 100% realistic, but I like thriller-type movies that have a good plot and setting, and keep you on the edge of your seat.
A Monster Calls..

A movie worthy of watching and most finely crafted indeed, bitter, sweet and portrays the complexities of our human condition better then most.
wow, that sounds great.

i like movies that have an element of fairy tales / mythology in them, like "big fish" and movies by directors such as terry gilliam and miyazaki.
Read the IMDB blurb on Monster...and it sounds interesting. I'm about to start the rented Solace with Anthony Hopkins, Colin farrell, Abbie Cornish and Jeffrey Dean Morgan, who has gotten lots of work since getting intimate with Halle Berry in Extant a couple of seasons back.
Well, Solace (not to be confused with Quantum Of...) was all right, but there were no cardiac moments or anything, and no democrats were deported in the making of the movie.

May not be able to say that for my current rental Desierto, though, in which some madman is sniping immigrants on our side of the border (Jeffrey Dean Morgan's in this one, too, and the pub blurb shows him holding a rifle).

Well, it'll do until some good sci-fi shows up...
Oh, yeah, I love movies in which there is a dynamic action and easy money like the "The Wolf of Wall Street", "All the Money in the World" of 2017, Guy Ritchie and some Tarantino's films! Every day in my life, I can not do without excitement, when I watch films about wealth people, I imagine myself, I'm probably a little crazy and dependent, but it's more fun to live. My favorite films: The Cooler, Schuller, Casino Royale, and the most beloved film by Martin Scorsese Casino of 1996, starring with Robert de Niro. This is my bible. Also, I'm a great fan of Tom Hanks and saw all his films including not popular when he started his actor career. As for me, one of the best is mystery triller by Ron Howard "The Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown. When I searched something similar for that, I found a free slot game according to the mystery of mona Lisa and all these Italian mysteric things (He who knows will understand me now) Due to I'm working as a programmer I found the library for the slot games. If you play pinball you surely saw the free slot games that use the simple logic - you need to press the button and make the reel spinning with different images and when it stops you need to see the winning combination (this is the short rules on how the slot games work) So inspired by the DaVinci, Italy and Tom Hanks movie, I developed the free slot game (I found it by the chance on the website which collect such games) I called it Davinci Diamond slot here it is by the link . Then my wife drawed the skins for this game and chose the sounds and I made all other thing .:rocket: Perhaps you will consider me a fanatic and sick. But I love it:p\'n\'l:
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i find gambling and heist films pretty interesting. i should really get on the "ocean" films one of these days.

as a recreational (but steady) poker player, i still haven't watched "rounders."

david mamet's films are some of my favorites in this area, such as "house of games" and "spanish prisoner."
<hr style="color:#D1D1E1; background-color:#D1D1E1" size="1"> Quote:
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6" border="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td class="alt2" style="border:1px inset"> Originally Posted by GSGregg

Well, it (Desierto)'ll do until some good sci-fi shows up...

And, show up it did; check out Passengers with Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt. A colony ship/luxury liner awakens one of its sleeping clients without indicating why...and they won't 'get there' for ninety more years.....

It isn't The Mote In God's Eye (Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle, 1974; forty-plus years later, still no one has made a movie of it), but extremely well done!

Bonus point: Jennifer ('The Hunger Games') does a good job as a blonde...
well, i finally got to see the whole "flintstones - on the rocks" special. here's the opening:

Scenes from... The Flintstones: On The Rocks - "A Natural Redhead?!" - YouTube

seems it was produced by gennedy tartakovsky, the guy who did "dexter's laboratory" and a bunch of other stuff for adult swim.

the special was recently uploaded to watch it / download it here:

it had its moments, particularly the opening scene above and the delicious bowling / claymation scene. other than those, it wasn't all that different from a regular episode, altho i thought it was a little more cynical than playful.
Now I'm about to throw this here thread back a few cogs...

C.W. McCall - Convoy - YouTube

I just had to find it, found it, will watch it soon...

Now I'm about to throw this here thread back a few cogs...

C.W. McCall - Convoy - YouTube

I just had to find it, found it, will watch it soon...

man i ate that stuff up back in the day. i was like 12yrs old with a 23-channel CB radio and a decent antenna on the roof when that movie came out.

i learned the lingo, half-idolized big riggers, and spent a lot of time jawing on that thing. there was sort of a semi-southern accent in vogue on CB, and by copying it, i think that's when i started to get good at doing voice impressions, which later even helped with singing and being in musicals.

one time on CB, before my voice had turned, i found out that most people i talked to thought i was a girl. i kind of lost interest after that.

GSGregg said:
And the beancounters wouldn't even let 'em use the superchargers that were part of the design ! ! !
really? what's the story on that, gregg?
Got to say I was just expecting some corn ball laughs and not a lot else from the Convoy and it delivered on that score, that said it really had a lot more on offer and was really greater then the sum of it's parts.

Was well worth a second look see after all those years..

Bonus points for the name of the pinball machine alongside Card Whiz in the near opening diner brawl scene. :)
Really? what's the story on (the 'beancounters'), gregg?
After war in Europe messed with everybody's heads, the US Army Air Core ordered 67 planes, and England joined France to order six HUNDRED sixty-seven (but GB was so experienced with aerial conflict that they rejected the one thing that made the high-performance plane what it was); France, however, fell to the Nazis and GB was left holding the bag for the entire order. The planes were such dogs, though, (what the hell would you exPECT?) that GB cancelled the remainder of the order after taking delivery of just three! Does that, or does it not, sound like beancounters at work?

From then on, P-38 was strictly an AMERican fighter. The video covered this in about 1-1/2 minutes starting at 06:00.

Bonus points for the name of the pinball machine alongside Card Whiz in the near opening diner brawl scene. :)
Steve, are you referring to the scene in the movie? I ran the music video several times, but failed to see anything resembling a pinball machine (so, no points for me, I guess...)
I've been re-watching the show "Louie" lately. It's really great. I like the mix of sad and funny and irony; it's sardonic.

It also reminds me of personal stuff in my life though, which makes it harder to see. But I'm planning on getting around that to finish the last couple seasons.
I've been re-watching the show "Louie" lately. It's really great. I like the mix of sad and funny and irony; it's sardonic.

It also reminds me of personal stuff in my life though, which makes it harder to see. But I'm planning on getting around that to finish the last couple seasons.
i'll have to check that out. i watched louis CK's 2017 standup special and found it fairly mediocre for him. other stuff i've seen of his in the past has been pretty hilarious.


btw, this is an adorable subreddit:

if you have RES (reddit enhancement suite) installed, the clips will play right in browser when you hit the movie icon. that way you won't have to go offsite to watch them.

all the greats are there-- buster keaton, charlie chaplin, mary pickford, harold lloyd, fatty arbuckle...... enjoy!
i'll have to check that out. i watched louis CK's 2017 standup special and found it fairly mediocre for him. other stuff i've seen of his in the past has been pretty hilarious.

Yeah, his 2017 stand-up special wasn't the best, but the previous ones are great. I highly recommend the show Louie though, it's good. The first season is mediocre or pretty good, and after that it gets even better.
I really liked Louie, it's a completely different show than anything else. Very unconventional. I haven't seen the new special yet though.

I watched Jim Jarmusch's newest movie "Paterson" last week. I've always been a big fan of his movies, but didn't care much for his last one ("Only Lovers Left Alive") and didn't have much motivation to watch this, but finally got around to it and don't regret it at all.

It's about a week in the life of a bus driver in Paterson, New Jersey, played by Kylo Ren/Adam Driver. It has very little plot outside of him being a bus driver who writes poetry, but it's captured in a very memorable way. I could really relate to the character and his daily randomness. Don't get me wrong, it's a bit artsy-fartsy, but for me it was very memorable. I look forward to watching it again.
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