How did you like that movie / TV show / book?

Man, I thought he looked weird as an old man dressed as Indiana Jones! The Han Solo wardrobe doesn't have a "seniors" line! I'm done waiting for Star Wars to be good again. That means 35 years since Empire. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me four times... damn, what kind of idiot am I?
Ah, that's okay. Ruby had already gone to puppy heaven even before I smeared her good name all over pinball sites everywhere. George Miller is the writer/director of the first three Mad Max movies starring good ol' racist lunatic Mel Gibson. Miller also did Babe, and Babe: Pig In the City. Tom Hardy, your band-new Max, was Bane, and is really a pretty good actor. The blue heeler is part of the Australian cattle dog family, and appeared as Max's dog in the original Road Warrior, as well as attacking some livestock that Babe was guarding in that film.
Mel isn't a racist. He is a Fascist. Witness the fact that he built his Catholic Church in Malibu in deference to the former clothing-optional beach that was once there.

He is one of the locals who expects that, if you develop an eye infection while refusing to go with the Hollywood Plan, then you shall go blind instead. And if you then decide to join up, then you will be one dumb blind recruit, but you wouldn't want to lose any more than you already have now, would you?
And um, oh yeah.

The Lethal Weapon Series
What Women Want
Passion of the Christ (gave him the money to build the church, out of pocket change)

Lethal Weapon = Cop variant of Indiana Jones = Variant of Buster Crabb serials

What Women Want = A man who believes he knows women. Comedic Variant of "Jame Gumb" = Variant of "The Hollywood Plan"

Signs = I suggested him for the lead.

Passion of the Christ = fork of the character of the stranger who dies at the end of the novel "Dracula" amid foreign tongues of Babel (my add-in).

I never met him. But I know his type. Very Mogul-oriented, as many are out here. Never pays his debts.
She’s got everything she needs
She’s an artist, she don’t look back
She’s got everything she needs
She’s an artist, she don’t look back
She can take the dark out of the nighttime
And paint the daytime black

You will start out standing
Proud to steal her anything she sees
You will start out standing
Proud to steal her anything she sees
But you will wind up peeking through her keyhole
Down upon your knees

She never stumbles
She’s got no place to fall
She never stumbles
She’s got no place to fall
She’s nobody’s child
The Law can’t touch her at all

She wears an Egyptian ring
That sparkles before she speaks
She wears an Egyptian ring
That sparkles before she speaks
She’s a hypnotist collector
You are a walking antique

Bow down to her on Sunday
Salute her when her birthday comes
Bow down to her on Sunday
Salute her when her birthday comes
For Halloween give her a trumpet
And for Christmas, buy her a drum
Copyright © 1965 by Warner Bros. Inc.; renewed 1993 by Special Rider Music

Man, I thought he looked weird as an old man dressed as Indiana Jones! The Han Solo wardrobe doesn't have a "seniors" line! I'm done waiting for Star Wars to be good again. That means 35 years since Empire. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me four times... damn, what kind of idiot am I? ...
yeah i get you and i'm still very skeptical... but i'm also willing to hold out the possibility that in new hands the franchise could at least become decent again. maybe not for those of our generation, but for the younguns.

lucas being given the roddenberry treatment is certainly the best thing that could have happened. if disney can at least come up with a good storyline and find some likeable actors, there may be hope. i've never seen a series of movies before (the prequels) in which the collective actors had such miserable chemistry and charisma. it was really quite remarkable how lucas managed to pull that off and remain so clueless about the whole thing all along the way.
whatever gibson is, he's a good actor / director who may be more than the sum of his stereotypes.

when you keep having people like jody foster and this gal going to bat for him... it makes the whole story more interesting:

I am going to have to respectfully disagree. Mel and his equally-nutjob racist father (along with Chief Justice Antonin Scalia) belong to a Catholic offshoot called Opus Dei. Opus Dei followers believe our current gay-bashing, condom-cursing Catholic Church is just too darn liberal. Opus Dei turns the clock back past Vatican II. so all their masses are heard in Latin, the priest faces away from the congregation, women have to cover their heads at mass. It's one thing if these religious fanatics just miss the sound of some good Latin, but their poison runs deeper than that. Mel has shown on more than one occasion that he holds dear certain anti-Semitic beliefs about the "Jewish cabal" that runs Hollywood... although he's never been as vocal about his racist ideas as his scumbag Holocaust-denying father. I'm sure there were nice people who had good things to say about Hitler in the '30s (brings to mind Kurt Vonnegut's book Deadeye Dick), but that doesn't mean the person in question is necessarily good.
Sorry, but I have as much patience for religious fanatics with poisonous belief systems as I do Scientology cultists like Tom and Beck.
oh god... can't all these muvvlefluffing cults just merge together so it's that much easier to track whackjobs?

yeah, well...
LOL! That's not a bad idea. We should pick some weirdo, out-of-the-way religion, stick 'em all in it and see who comes out the other end. Jehovah's Witnesses haven't been the same since they lost Michael Jackson... let's put 'em all in there!
Say it! Say it loud!
Say "Pelicula" like Bella Lugosi.
pay-YEE-kyoo-lah! That's the best non-verbal Bela imitation I can do... but if you could hear me say it... I do it so well you'd think Bela had risen from the grave and was talking to you. Really!
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well, i made it 30+ minutes through "jiro dreams of sushi" before the player crashed.


i had pretty much seen enough at that point anyway.

i like sushi and i like foreign films, but this one was pretty heavy on the hackneyed japanese work ethic of 'always try your hardest, work from dawn until night, cleanliness and perfectionism are standards to be relentlessly pursued'...... all that same old stuff.

this is a film about arguably the most lauded sushi shop in tokyo... a place with only ten seats that requires reservations months in advance and costs $300 to simply sit down. michelin gives it their highest rating, 3-stars, implying that a place is so good that it's worth visiting the city / country simply to eat there.

anyway it was kind of neat seeing them toast the nori by hand, knead an octopus for 45min so it wouldn't taste rubbery, endlessly obsess over every piece of fish being cut just right... ah, well.


i was sort of hoping it would be more like "tampopo," one of my favorite movies. that one is a rather rollicking, risque adventure about a shop owner pursuing the ultimate noodle recipe. it's easily the best (and most hilarious) culinary-themed movie i've ever seen. sadly, the director went on to make a satirical movie about the yakuza and shortly after was never heard from again. (seriously)


Yeah, that thing's been floating around Netflix for ages. Worse yet, Netflix really thinks I should watch it and has tried cramming it down my throat at every opportunity. "Because you enjoyed Starship Troopers, we thought you'd like Jiro Dreams of Sushi." No! You would be wrong in assuming that! So now I won't watch it as a matter of pride. Vain and useless pride. But I still love sushi.
mffrbl... wrfflcrumflll...
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Did you actually like Starship Troopers, or were you only checking it out and is Netflix tracking your perusals? Like amazon.void?

How do you feel about "Turkish Delight"? Or "Robocop"?

The one film that I would ask about is "Ken Rusell's The Devils". Have you seen the original X version? Most of his films are too over-the-top for my tastes, but I love this movie. I haven't seen "Women in Love" yet, though I have no use for naked male wrestling.

I did enjoy some of his films as entertainment, "Altered States" and "Listomania", but I didn't take those films seriously.
The one film that I would ask about is "Ken Rusell's The Devils". Have you seen the original X version? Most of his films are too over-the-top for my tastes, but I love this movie. I haven't seen "Women in Love" yet, though I have no use for naked male wrestling.

I did enjoy some of his films as entertainment, "Altered States" and "Listomania", but I didn't take those films seriously.

Man, it's like you read my film library! I just downloaded Ken Russell's Whore starring Theresa Russell (the wife of Nicholas Roeg who I would choose as my favorite "out-there" Brit director from the Ken Russell generation). I enjoyed the film when I saw it in the '90s, hoping it still holds up. I saw The Devils on Cinemax when I was a 14-year-old disgruntled Catholic schoolboy. It had everything! Nudity, criticism of the Church, Oliver Reed... did I already mention nudity?
One time when I was watching Starship Troopers (that should let you know how much I like it), I came to the realization that I've seen it more times than the whole library of Ingmar Bergman films. Yep, I am an Amurrikan! Would you like to know more?
i had no idea that you knew squat about other countries, bill. :p

Fuck you! I know plenty about Japan! I know my dad kicked their ass in 1945! And they're neighbors with... let's see, Southern Korea, right? And then there's... uhhhh... isn't Tattoine in that area? Or is it Alderaan? I always get the two mixed up.
It's an Outrage! I caught it at the Fox Venice on the big screen with..."Turkish Delight".
That climax with Reed just hanging around is Devastating. Please, no spoilers.
14 on Cinemax t.v.?

My first movie with nudity at the theater was Antonioni's "Blow Up" with that "purple paper" scene. The film about the photographer who shoots pictures of a murder while in the park and then either cannot believe it or refuses to do anything about it, opting not to rock the boat.

I was 12 and went on my own to The Cornell Theater. The ticket was 50 Cents on my John Muir Jr. High Student Card discount. And why not? It was my plot outline, and by then I had already sketched out a good chunk of the plot for "8 1/2" while on the farm in Pennsylvania in '62. About a director dominated by the femmes who then rides their backs like a bucking bronco to restore "jiz equality".

My Uncle Mussolini fenced it through his Warner studio to his Cinecitta Studios. Now that's Italian...but I didn't know about him, or them. There was a "Little Italy" in Pennsylvania back then, next to "Little Germany", though that did not stop the people from Americanizing their German surnames to avoid local confusion with The Kaiser, and later, The Nazis. Like "Freedom Fries" Eat 'em up.

I also proposed "Breakup" A.K.A. "The Man With the Balloons" and the one about Marcello, the doctor studying bacterium as "the source of insanity". And I loved his Italian sex comedies of the sixties.

The one movie project that the locals are currently burning my desires with, while chipping away my plot points and twists for their own rip-off projects, is a virtual version of "Dracula" Coppola burned me to goad me with his version, but my idea is to shoot for the cinematography of Sven Nyqyist coupled with John Huston and tempered with Albert Whitlock.
One particular shot that I devised, a long pullback from an upstairs window of the Chelsea inn where Lucy Westenra is entertaining a sabbatical for no one, and alone, while the sounds of the neighbors and their children are overheard all around, has already been ripped for a perfume commercial; about 10 years ago. It looked Great!

But I would never do with long white fangs, modern speed shots, crawling on the ceiling or down the walls, werewolves, or crappy, moody castles apart from some high vaulted velour constantly being re-updated...for 1893.

And the Vampira...n/m.

EDIT: Is anyone using the PN "Dark Themes" look? I read better with it, for atmosphere, though I prefer creme font color @ 255, 255, 215 RGB.
THe creme tone is softer on the eyes. But the creme font color for "Dark Theme" is not available, and would be nearly illegible on a white backdrop.
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There is a barren tree outside of her window at the Inn. The infertile branches of which scratch against the outer wall in the breeze.

While on her Sabbatical, Lucy writes to her friend about her matrimonial prospects. None of which are actual, but for Arthur Holmsworth. The nice guy near-do-well. This deviates from the book because, otherwise, why is Lucy writing letters about her prospects to a girlfriend? Why isn't she busy socializing with one of them? Unless Lucy is only dreaming?
My reference for the character of Arthur, her beau-to-be, is Michael Penn's "No Myth". But I would not use the song in the film.

<iframe src="
" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>

My reference for the working classes of London in the background, again not used directly, is surprisingly, "Caribbean Blue", in a slow waltz of the proletariat day, both careless, and yet, personally hopeful.
They do not even know that they are already dead.

<iframe src="
" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>


Yeah. I've sketched the book for practice, and now I hype myself, to no one.
But I need to know that I am able to do it since that has become a family issue without any particular substance on my part.

EDIT#2. Copyright 2015. Arnold McMunn. All Right Reserved. If you value your life, the Do Not Touch.

Quite a bit of the Proletariat background, and with reference to "Caribbean Blue", served as backdrop for "Titanic". But "Caribbean Blue" was not a recording then. In the 90's it was my personal piano composition. And I have been sketching out the Drac since before 1990, for practice. "Titanic" was partially based on Ibsen's, "A Doll's Life", as for the character of "Rose". And her similarities to Lucy.
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Actually I did like The BoxTrolls..

Oh yes and The Theory of Everything...that was rather insightful and not because of the theory...

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