How do you rate VP/VPM tables?


Pinball Player
Nov 21, 2004
Reaction score
Favorite Pinball Machine
Addams Family
Tried doing it to no avail, what am I missing here? Thanks! :)
Upvote 0
Find the download in question, click "Rate this Resource", then choose a number from 1 to 10. It's pretty simple... You do have to be logged in though, and occasionally the front end doesn't know you're logged in even if the forum does.

Thanks for the pointers I finally managed to do it! :)
I rate them very well, thank you for asking! No really, I have yet to play one I didn't like, even the flipperless, which isn't really my thing, but I love 'em all because someone took the time (and love) to build them and playtest them for us to enjoy. Sure some 'play' better than others, the older ones are slow compared to the newer ones, I agree, butthey required alot more skill with them so they are still fun.
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