Tutorial FP Insert magnets on your FP table without BAM

Future Pinball


Pinball Wizard
Dec 7, 2021
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Cirqus Voltaire
Future Pinball has an object called the Magnet. It's hidden by default, except in the Developer version of the software, that was never available to the public. That being said, it works exactly as the well-known Toys; the only thing you need to include it in your table is to copy it from another table that already has it. Playing a bit with the "2.5 Release 2" version and trying to get the Debug Window back, I accidentally discovered that in this version the Magnet wasn't that hidden after all, and not only that; it works!


Long story short, I made a table demo where you can get the Magnet, just like when you sneakily get that Ferris wheel Toy from Cyclone :lol:

Download: MagnetDemo.fpt (231.50 KiB)

I tested what other improvements could I make on 2.5R2, and sadly I couldn't get anything else, so I won't release it. I only got to place an STA (Sub-Translite Animation) in the playfield instead of the translite, but it doesn't work there. I may discover something new in a future, but honestly it doesn't look like it right now… I'm still glad I could find this hidden gem, though :-)

Script calls​

' Functions
Magnet.SolenoidOn() ' Activate the Magnet
Magnet.SolenoidOff() ' Deactivate the Magnet
' The magnet is deactivated by default.

' Object Properties
Magnet.Radius = 20 ' Change the Effect Radius of the Magnet (From 20 to 200)
Magnet.Strength = 1 ' Change the Strength of the Magnet (From 1 to 9)
Magnet.MagnaSave = True ' Change the "MagnaSave" state (Grab the ball)

BAM Magnet vs FP Magnet​

As far as I know, the BAM Magnet is an invisible handler of the FP default Magnet but defined "outside" of the editor, so they would be in fact one and the same. For example, custom Cameras and Balls are defined the same way in BAM. [Someone else may prove me wrong on this, since I've never used BAM myself]
Of course, BAM also includes XML custom physics, and that includes Magnets, so the default FP Magnet is more limited than BAM in that way.

In the other hand, the FP Magnet works in any version of FP, and it may be more handy to have it on the editor. Furthermore, since it has absolutely no effect on the table when it's disabled, they are not incompatible and both could coexist, activating one or another based on the version being used. The same custom XML parameters should also work in both magnets on BAM.
Interesting. You have to copy toys from one table to the next also because there is no option to create a toy in the editor.
magnet bam est plus convaincant. il magnétise la balle plus fortement et sans béquille ; mais l’effet est époustouflant tout de même.

View attachment magnet fp.mp4

grab ball fonctionne comme un charme
vous avez encore des œufs de Pâques ?
great guessing game.........what other hidden functions?
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Interesting. You have to copy toys from one table to the next also because there is no option to create a toy in the editor.
Always been so unfortunately, I've always believed in a bugs of Fp....like so many other things in Fp.

I have always noticed the magnet entry in xml, see photo, and I have always thought of a bugs,I certainly never thought it was hidden like toys....


Thanks for this.....so it's just a FP version problem? there is something else hidden? I would like to know how did you find out?
the magnet has always been a "chimera" or pipe dream on Fp before Bam, so much so that the great Steve (polygame) had created a particular system (too long to explain) that I even used in some of my tables, and still exist today (I have to update them to bam in future) see photo

I wonder if Steve didn't know this?very strange.....

As far as I know, the BAM Magnet is an invisible handler of the FP default Magnet but defined "outside" of the editor,
not exactly....... bam's magnet is easier to manage directly in script(used in three of my tables now), plus no kickers are needed, and the three parameters are more real, even if as you say maybe that of Bam, was created in reference to this of FP (maybe ), which was unknown to us until now
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There are other things, but nothing very exciting, and most things have been already implemented with BAM. I'll list them here.

Custom Cameras are not insertable in the Editor by default, and could theoretically exist there as well. I didn't find how to get them, and I don't think they are really worth the search, since they must be incredibly basic anyway.

The BMP, TGA, JPG, FPM, and WAV used by the program can be extracted. I've had those for years, I believe someone else extracted them a long time ago and posted it in GoPinball. Here's the model used for Bumper skirts, for example (which fun fact, it's just a Peg).
Probably everyone already has those, but if for some reason that's not the case, I guess I could put them all in a ZIP.

FP has a hidden Model editor only available on the Developer version, very similar to the FPM-Editor.exe that is commonly used. It's almost the same, but with an extra available model. Apart from the Main model, Mask for hole (Tertiary), Low poly and Reflection versions, there's another optional one called "Shadow Casting Model". I have no idea if it's the same BAM uses for flipper shadows.

I'm pretty sure Polygame knew about them. In fact, I believe he even had access to the Developer version of the software in some occasion. Polygame's magnets are completely another beast, though, and they are used for other cases.

- FP Magnets (and BAM Magnets) are used to attract the ball (and can also be used to catch it with MagnaSave). They are commonly placed near the outlanes, so the player can use them to avoid losing the ball. Some tables also have flipper-controlled magnets.
- Polygame's PinBelt is a minimalistic Kicker used to recreate magnets that make balls go very fast, just like in The Getaway: High Speed II. I believe he also used them for other things, like Power Bumpers.
- Polygame's Magnet (the one you showed) is a structure that, when hit, makes the ball "dance" a bit and then launches it to a random direction. It doesn't attract the ball to it, so it's not really like a magnet, it's just used to create that illusion. An FP Magnet could be placed over it to have both effects.

even if as you say maybe that of Bam, was created in reference to this of FP (maybe ), which was unknown to us until now
The fact that the default XML parameters work with BAM magnets makes me think that both are the same, and BAM basically implemented them via script by defining their position. As I said, that would make them the same object, but having it on the Editor makes them less BAM-dependent :-)
A program called "fp-grab.exe" can extract all BMP, TGA, JPG, FPM, and WAV used by FP. I can post it if you would like.

I discovered that the alternate executable for Physics 2.5 Release 2 has a menu option called "Save for Arcade". It adds the contents of the libraries into the table and saves the table as a new file. I discuss it here:

I'm pretty sure Polygame knew about them. In fact, I believe he even had access to the Developer version of the software in some occasion. Polygame's magnets are completely another beast, though, and they are used for other cases.

- FP Magnets (and BAM Magnets) are used to attract the ball (and can also be used to catch it with MagnaSave). They are commonly placed near the outlanes, so the player can use them to avoid losing the ball. Some tables also have flipper-controlled magnets.
- Polygame's PinBelt is a minimalistic Kicker used to recreate magnets that make balls go very fast, just like in The Getaway: High Speed II. I believe he also used them for other things, like Power Bumpers.
- Polygame's Magnet (the one you showed) is a structure that, when hit, makes the ball "dance" a bit and then launches it to a random direction. It doesn't attract the ball to it, so it's not really like a magnet, it's just used to create that illusion. An FP Magnet could be placed over it to have both effects.
Steve (Polygame) didn't have access to the developer version: he had the developer version, but he destroyed it during (after) his altercation with Chris (Black)
the only way to achieve a "magnet" (without bam) was to create an invisible wall and create collidable=1 et 0.
pinbelt used as "magnet" is sensitive to a bug, because the ball sometimes crosses the pf
Steve (Polygame) didn't have access to the developer version: he had the developer version, but he destroyed it during (after) his altercation with Chris (Black)
tu en sais plus sur cette embrouille ? (j'aime bien les potins) la raison ? destruk aussi avait eu un diffèrent avec black
BAMMagneticFields are more realistic in visuals but very hard to configure if you want to make sure the ball stops completely before being released.

fp default magnets magnasave property is very useful in this case as it grabs the ball instantly.

This is quite useful in 1980's Black Knight where you have to make sure the ball stops wobbling so it falls into the inlane and not shot into some random place.

Using both in this particular case is the best solution which is way better than the wall solution of old and that was used on this table too.

Here's a short demo and near the end you can see the ball stops immediately:

View attachment Future Pinball - © 2008 BSP Software Design Solutions 2022-10-15 16-57-51.mp4
tu en sais plus sur cette embrouille ? (j'aime bien les potins) la raison ? destruk aussi avait eu un diffèrent avec black
Concerning Destruk, it's a looooong story between them (beginning with VP), but, at the end, Destruk release a FP's version without the logo and was banned immediately from FP forum.
Concerning Steve and Chris, I don't remember exactly what happened, but Chris closed the forum and after just release an unexpiring (without changes) version. Then, Steve created GoPinball.
je croyais que c'était theNalex et son cousin LvR le créateur du forum , car ils étaient tous les 2 adm du forum et la 1ere date de création du forum est celle de LvR , qui travaille aux dernières nouvelles pour enedis à lyon , comme adm de serveurs. il a toujours un vieux compte sur git (fpm editor).
No, theNalex and LvR took over the forum after Steve left it (an other story...).
You know, forum's life is a little bit complicated. My "story" for example:
First, I was on defunct VPForums, but at that time, there were many sites, so I was on (I don't remember the exact names) VPOriginals, ShivaSite, VPUnderground, ...
All these (many) sites closed one after the other. When Shiva site closed, Paul emailed to all the donors (see attached file) and a portion of my donation was allocated to PN (sorry, I don't find the mail). So, I went to PN. And after FP was launched, so I posted some of my tables here and I was promoted to administrator for FP section. But, unfortunately, as the situation was cleared (one site for VP, one site for FP) and as I'm the man for one site, I left PN, so I was no longer an administrator here (no problem for me, normal). But FPForum closed and GoPinball too. So, I went back here.
The only site that I never left and never closed is my beloved IRP


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Oupsss :blush: Sorry for off topic
Concerning magnet, at my young age and when i helped yann for EFMI (Escape from Monkey Island, a great memory for me), it was in the (VP) script a routine in order to attract a ball writed by ? (need some scrolling in the script), a very nice sub. Maybe (if I found it) a good inspiration...
Sub fpLeftMagnetTimer_Expired()    
     fpLeftMagnetTimer.Enabled = False
     fpLeftMagnet.MagnaSave = False
     fpLeftMagnet.SolenoidOff()             ' this is the default FP magnet
End Sub

Sub LeftMagnet()                          'magnetic field
    leftMagnaSave.Maxforce = 5
    leftMagnaSave.Strength = 1600
End Sub

Sub LeftMagnetTimer_Expired()
    fpLeftMagnet.MagnaSave = True

    LeftMagnetTimer.Enabled = FALSE
    leftMagnaSave.Strength = 0

    fpLeftMagnetTimer.Set True, 200
End Sub

Code for the video above (edited to take what's not necessary)
This (old) routine was really powerfull. Strengh of magnet depend of distance and a lot of others things.
Ian and me use it (for EFFM) in order to guide a ball from right to playfield to left (just attrack the ball).
I have to search it.
Hi @Wecoc
A question about this magnet from Fp, which I have never used, does it have some function that allows me to attract only one ball (the ball in play) and not other balls, like in multiball?

I'm having some trouble, in Bam with the ".SingleBall" function (I'll explain it here and here )and with this method MagneticField_Light.SingleBall = xBam.BallCloseTo(MF_light.X, MF_light.Y) it didn't work as I hoped.
Actually....it only attracts one ball, but it attracts it outside the radius that is set to "MagneticField_Light.Range = 100"....honestly this feature was also designed for those situations where there are single balls, like in JunkYard.....
FP Magnets (and BAM Magnets) are used to attract the ball (and can also be used to catch it with MagnaSave)

I never commented that, but in those cases where you need to use the more advanced BAMMagneticFields instead of FP's magnet and you want the MagnaSave function as well, it can be faked with a trigger in the focus of the magnet by using BAM's ball functions instead; all you need to do is force the ball coordinates/velocity properly whenever it's locked.

A question about this magnet from Fp, which I have never used, does it have some function that allows me to attract only one ball (the ball in play) and not other balls, like in multiball?

Not really, I don't think that's a feature of default magnets.

Usually for very edge cases like this, you move from vanilla to BAM, not the other way around. BAM has ball coordinate and velocity control, so maybe you could fake a magnet for that specific ball with those functions instead of using BAMMagneticFields, in case SingleBall doesn't work properly for what you're trying to do.

That being said, in this case and assuming everything works as expected, I'd still use the BAMMagneticFields but with invisible triggers.

- Define the target ball's ID wherever you need that, probably with a big trigger for when a ball goes inside the magnet's range. If a target ball is already defined, ignore this function.
- Set the magnet to attract only that ball, by using SingleBall.
- Once the ball attraction is over (wherever you need that; if it's when the ball reaches the center you can detect that with a smaller trigger), set the target ball ID back to none, deactivate the magnet, and reset its SingleBall property.

Hope that helps.
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