Hullo, thanks for asking after Jon!
Yes, he knows the site needs xforo upgrade and other updates, but he's been unable to reliably access PN for some weeks and looks like a bit longer until he can. Thanks for your patience, and trust me, saying 'hello' to you all is something he's looking forward to!
Not sure about disclosing federally protected personal health information haha, so let's just say there's a flappy thing in the human body, and unbeknownst to Jon, he was born with one which had 33% less flappyness. Not a big problem, worked OK for decades. But if a machine's engineered to work for 100 years and you run it 33% harder, then you'll wear it out 33 years faster, unless my math's off.
But it was a plucky little thing, and didn't fail all at once, it kept flapping as best it could! Crappily, reached a point where it couldn't be ignored, and in late July, Jon had to go somewhere to get a new flappy thing installed. Don't take my flippancy as casual, it was not an elective procedure, it was a just-in-damned-time thing.
Jon wants to let Pinball Nirvana folks know that he's past the tough part, there are lingering issues but all the meat-ware and bionic upgrades are in place, now it's a matter of regaining strength and arriving at a correct balance of compounds. Jon has been in surprising (but typical) good spirits throughout, high praise and gratitude for those giving care, and hopes to be back in touch with you soon.
I'd like to add that i use my middle fingers as the flipper fingers when i play pinball, but some people prefer the index fingers. Whichever YOU use, please cross them and wish for Jon's sustained recovery.