JonPurpleHaze ????


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Mar 16, 2013
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Batman(Data East) know Jon if he's fine, and everything is ok for him?
His mail sent to me the 3rd July
Hello Jean-Pierre,

Sorry I've been away, I've had some difficulties but miss you guys and
need to update the sites.
My absence started with my old computer dying and not much free time but
I have been renewing the domains and server plans.

I'll be posting at PN soon!
Thank You,
But, I've to agree, no news since...
But, I've to agree, no news since...
A couple months back I pressed hard for an update about Jon because I was worried, and a hero staffer was kind enough to relay that thought, and that's coincidently when we got that update, JP.

And now, the way I read it is this--
Jon's busy with life issues, and knows that the site could use a software update, and will get to it when he can.
His mail sent to me the 3rd July
Hello Jean-Pierre,

Sorry I've been away, I've had some difficulties but miss you guys and
need to update the sites.
My absence started with my old computer dying and not much free time but
I have been renewing the domains and server plans.

I'll be posting at PN soon!
Thank You,
He posted almost the same message in the Admin section on July 3.
1 month ago is better than 11 months ago. (His computer died last September.)
It was great to know he was ok.
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