@zig, yes, when I played around with the backdrop, I added a Martian's killed total, which is just a target dropped total. Hitting the targets is the most important part of this game, so a tally of the targets would at least make it appear more obvious to aim for them. I don't know if I'll actually make it award anything, but right now it does display your current total and will record your Highest Martian total and display it with the High Score display. I didn't include in the total, the Martians killed in the outlanes though as they are more of a bonus feature. :)
@Steve, Yes, I noticed those little walls, I should remove them, they all have hit events. I would have to redownload the original Asteroid Annie to see what they were doing there, but for this game, they do nothing. Maybe it was something to do with an old version of VP.....
I need to try some of your settings, I do adjust stuff if I see something, but I don't go through a table with an exact plan of precise settings, I'm just not that organized, I'm more of a free hand sketcher or someone who doesn't look at a map when driving, if you know what I mean.
I'll try your flipper settings, did you change the shape or length of the flippers?
I did just replace the following code for saving data...... I had no clue as to how to adjust the old Black's Highscore code, so I had to replace it.
Sub SaveData
' Based on Black's Highscore routines
Dim FileObj
Dim ScoreFile
Set FileObj=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not FileObj.FolderExists(UserDirectory) then
Exit Sub
End if
Set ScoreFile=FileObj.CreateTextFile(UserDirectory & "MAastannie.txt",True)
scorefile.writeline Credits
scorefile.writeline HighScore
Set ScoreFile=Nothing
Set FileObj=Nothing
End Sub
sub LoadData
' Based on Black's Highscore routines
Dim FileObj
Dim ScoreFile
Dim TextStr
Dim Temp1
Dim Temp2
Set FileObj=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not FileObj.FolderExists(UserDirectory) then
Exit Sub
End if
If Not FileObj.FileExists(UserDirectory & "MAastannie.txt") then
Exit Sub
End if
Set ScoreFile=FileObj.GetFile(UserDirectory & "MAastannie.txt")
Set TextStr=ScoreFile.OpenAsTextStream(1,0)
If (TextStr.AtEndOfStream=True) then
Exit Sub
End if
Credits= CDbl(temp1)
Set ScoreFile=Nothing
Set FileObj=Nothing
End Sub
I changed it to this, so I could add the save the High Martians killed total, otherwise I wouldn't have known how to add it to Black's routine.
Sub SaveData
SaveValue "MarsAttacks", "HighScore", HighScore
SaveValue "MarsAttacks", "HighMartians", HighMartians
SaveValue "MarsAttacks", "Credits", Credits
End Sub
Sub LoadData
Dim Value
Value = LoadValue("MarsAttacks", "HighScore")
If (Value <> "") Then HighScore = CDbl(Value) End If
Value = LoadValue("MarsAttacks", "HighMartians")
If (Value <> "") Then HighMartians = CDbl(Value) End If
Value = LoadValue("MarsAttacks", "Credits")
If (Value <> "") Then Credits = CDbl(Value) End If
End Sub
Thanks for all of the comments!