WIP BAM FizX FP Men In black (MIB)

Future Pinball
Well I found a use for the drain which now prevents the return of the ball from facing well in multiball.

You make use of a lot of cool ideas. What do you use to move the ball from the drain to the plunger kicker? Whatever you are using doesn't appear to move the ball like a kicker.
simply a ramp, so gravity does all the work. I made a demo based on an idea. But at first it was just to cool ... it was absolutely useless lol. now it was used to hold the balls to drain them one by one. Why one by one, well otherwise it accumulates in the plunger lane.

hello, I would like to know how to have multiple animations when I create the animation from MilkShape 3D. At the moment I only get the "A" animation. I've searched for tutorials, but haven't found anything useful yet.

This is what I was able to obtain with Modelimporter

Well after taking a step back I think that the upper plastics are not really essential. This can give a better result visually with less loading.

Man In Black_Alfa-085.png
I am having trouble getting past the 6 numbers. What are they for?
I am having trouble getting past the 6 numbers. What are they for?

yes its alfa, there is still so much to do... Visually it is not working yet. I redid the image of the playfields, But in my opinion physically its not so bad. Don't forget that it was developed to eat up your money.


Don't hesitate to comment otherwise how do you know if she will be liked?
I prefer this playfield.
Code 252241
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