SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Men In Black (Original)

Solid State Machines
Future Pinball
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You have so many arrows around the face that I wonder if the "little" squid that is born in the 1st movie wouldn't be a better (prettier or cute(r)) idea :p

I mean one squid leg pointing to each arrow... maybe. In my head looks good but it might not on the table.

Anyway, your creativity is better than mine and it shows so, keep up.
Thank you for your comments, I agree with you. I took a bit of the general idea from my Starwars. I'm a little lacking in inspiration. I'm striking a Fp pose so I posted. Thanks again.
There is a better way to avoid adding all the shadow maps to the BAM cache. Open the BAM menu during a game and select "Dev Options" and then select "Shadow Maps" and then select "Save as TGA". BAM will then save a *.tga file to the same folder as the table. Add that to the "Texture Manager". The *.tga file will make it so BAM does not need the BAM cache anymore and will load the shadow maps from the *.tga file.

I still can't figure out how to operate the 6 number thing at the beginning of the game. I figured out the flippers change the numbers. The DMD says to press the start key. I keep pressing the start game key but nothing happens. What is the purpose of the 6 number thing?

The goal of the mini-game is to memorize the first six digits generated "code" and then enter them in the correct order. Once successful, the ball will come out upwards. So the mini games lack clear instructions and an option to deactivate in choice. Otherwise for the TGA I will remedy this on all my creations at the same time. Thank you George, I will take your comments into consideration.
How do you start the mini-game?
The video is interesting but I can't tell what keys to press. The first two are coin in and start but that is it.
The "Enter key" to select
select left right with flipper

I'm going to replace "Press Start to select" with "Launch Ball to select",
which makes things less confusing. Thx GeorgeH
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By the way, an FP user pointed out to me who had a problem with v117.
in fact I have the "Sub" in duplicate, "Sub SetLightsParamInBam"
Deletes everything from line 3135 to 3149. my error sorry.
otherwise I will post an update next Sunday.
There is a better way to avoid adding all the shadow maps to the BAM cache. Open the BAM menu during a game and select "Dev Options" and then select "Shadow Maps" and then select "Save as TGA". BAM will then save a *.tga file to the same folder as the table. Add that to the "Texture Manager". The *.tga file will make it so BAM does not need the BAM cache anymore and will load the shadow maps from the *.tga file.

I still can't figure out how to operate the 6 number thing at the beginning of the game. I figured out the flippers change the numbers. The DMD says to press the start key. I keep pressing the start game key but nothing happens. What is the purpose of the 6 number thing?

thank you for your explanation for the tga, it took me a while to understand and yet it's so easy

version 117 now has ...
You can now deactivate or activate the mini games.
This displays more information on the number entered and the one generated.
clearer explanation and sharper animation.
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Zobou updated Men In Black (Original) with a new update entry:


-Add toy and hologram.
-code revise
-Major correction "syntax error"
-plungersaver adjustment
-score adjustment
-light adjustment
-Correction and adjustment dmd animation
-add tilt function.

what remains to be done

next ...
-add score function in multiball
-add mib agent level function
-a decorative display panel.
-play and adjust score...

Read the rest of this update entry...
This is coming along great! It is a lot of fun. Thanks for building it
My first 32p Samsung television, over 20 years old, and a 19p Samsung bought for $5 from an eco center store. my first gaming computer, over 10 years old. I present to you the trash pinball.

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