Missing Tables Of Mine I’d Like To Find


PN co-founder
Jun 9, 2003
Reaction score
Favorite Pinball Machine
Flying Trapeze 1934
I don’t know how many of my old tables are lost in some cyber-dustbin, but I’m pretty sure there are recreations as well as some originals. I do remember The Blue & Grey, which is/was a flippered American Civil War theme, and Illusions, day and night versions of an original flipperless, I think, which may have been a bagatelle. At least The Blue & Grey was made using a starter table by a member from back then by the username JavaJack. I believe. If anyone happens to have these, or runs across them, I’d really like to get them back. Other than my own lost tables, I remember one which I believe was named Springfield, based on The Simpsons. I’m thinking it might have been made by Pinman. I do remember it featured the Kwik E Mart, and Bart making prank phone calls to Moe. Can you make an old guy happy?
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All three tables are now on my hard drive. If only I could recall the names of all my lost tables.
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I have nearly all of your creations on my computer in Oregon, or at least I use to. My daughter has the machine now, and I think she put Win.7 on it. If you think of a specific title, I will have her send it if it's on there. If any of it is still on there.
Thanks Phil. The only one I haven't recovered was called Blues Bouncer. There are a few I can see clear as day in my mind's eye, but am at a lost for their names. Part of my problem is that I somethings changed names before I'd release them. Also, I would like to get JavaJack's table template again. I used it for several tables, and would like his original version rather than ones I modified.
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