need help coding Pharoah


Nov 17, 2008
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Favorite Pinball Machine
after reading all the rules on the Pharoah pin, most of the coding needed is beyond me. It uses timed skill shots and bonus advances, two things I am just now starting to learn, but to put them into this one is still beyond me. The table is finished physically, if anyone wants to step up and finish coding it for me, otherwise, it'll be a relatively simple playing game with only MY knowledge of code put into it. Anyone?

Wish I could help you. That's why I pretty much stay away from flippered tables. Too much coding involved.

The flipperless are just as bad with all the pins on the playfield. One is just as bad as the other actually.

I would ask around - Destruk would really be a great choice for this over at VPF. He's done "Revenge Of The Robot Warriors" from Pinball Dreams 2. I would ask him unless someone steps up and takes the challenge.

Sorry I cannot help you.

Bonus Advances? You mean Bonus Countdowns at the end of the ball, or jumps in the Bonus "When Lit"?
I might be able to help you - just looked over the rules that Druadic posted, seems fairly simple.

One major wife is due to give birth any day now (actually due on the 4th Jan), so as of right now I can make a start on it, but I can't promise to get it finished.

Send me the table, or a link or whatever, & I'll see what I can do - I assume you still have my email address.

Oh...and reading your other Pharaoh WIP thread, this just made me laugh:
nothing is scripted yet, but that part is easy.
Famous last words? :)

right now I can make a start on it, but I can't promise to get it finished.

Oh, I think you've already done a fine job Wizards_Hat.
Congratulations! :appl:
well I was going to just put in my own scoring and sounds that would have been easy, but then today I got the rules and well... that is NOT easy to code at all so I'll wipe the egg off my face now I will send it to you soon Dan, thanks!
Just a quick note on the Pharaoh pin. I am doing the coding on my own having learned case selects, and such and for the person who stated that the ball should be able to roll straight down from the right side red pop bumper, well that has been fixed as has the plunger lane. The ball now goes to the top lanes from that left blue colored ball lane, duh, for some odd reason until it dawned on me about 1 week ago I had the ball going right up that middle ramp to the left side of the pin, Yup, the Polish heritage just glistens doesn't it? no pics, it should be done in about two weeks, later I'll post a last shot of it to show the changes in it. Then none till its release.
been busy with other pins but Pharaoh is still being worked on...okay maybe in about a month since I am working on other pins too
Ignore Laurel421 faralos.
Laurel421 was a spammer, now banned.
Notice how the post only says "last words"?
Laurel421 lifted those words from Wizards_Hat "famous last words" post above. I know this because the poster did the same thing in all of their posts but the other posts used whole sentences.

Also, Do Not click the image links in Laurel421's posts. They open a redirect page that has no images and then goes to with a "referral ID" in the URL, but there is no telling what the in-between page is doing without taking a risk to check it out, and I wouldn't try it myself.
okay thanks for that! but if the person is banned don't you take down their posts? so no one else click on it by accident? or out of morbid curiosity
Yeah I would remove those "image links", but I'm not a mod.
What the hey? What are these image links you refer to?

Ah..OK, sorted, btw I've had to ban over a dozen botz today alone, so yeah sometimes shit gets through...

Also just put your hand up any time Sleepy and I'll make you a moderator. ;)
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