New EasyInstallKit Available


Starfleet Member
Site Supporters
Sep 24, 2004
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I finally updated my EasyInstallKit with the most recent official files,and also changed it a bit.
The old version did not install VP,because it was actually not really necessairy.
But since some newer tables make use of certain registry settings,i changed it so that you have to install both VP and VPM now.

It goes like that now:
You uncompress the Kit,and the first thing that appears is a popup,saying to well read the text which appears after the uncompress is done,and asking whether to proceed.

When you proceed,you can now set your destination folder,and the actual uncompress begins.

After the uncompress is done,you will automatically see that text window,which explains what to do now.
(Running both setups,and putting fonts,tables and ROMs into their folders.)

The text also includes the basic usage of the editor,and the usage of the optional,(included),VPLauncher,...all kept very short and understandable.

The Kit of course still includes all necessairy files,such as fonts,.vbs scripts,NVRAMs,samples and configs,etc.

Filesize is 13.8MB and I host the Kit by myself now.
Since i can change and re-upload it whenever i want now,i will always keep it up to date from now on,...that means whenever something new is available,i will immediately repack the Kit.
It is to find in my signature again.

Hope it will do some good again for the absolute beginners.

Dunno why my sig is not attached,but you can get it at VPF or shivasite.
Phoenixx, thanks for what sounds like a great update. The file size is within our limits, so if you'd like, you can add it to the Tutorials & Support Files section here.

Updated with all recent files.
Will also upload it directly to this place later.

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