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That sunrise looks better than I expected, it's looks great, what you say, good to go?
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One finishing touch?

Maybe a small flame overlay to light the cannons fuses!
One finishing touch?

Maybe a small flame overlay to light the cannons fuses!
These cannons are fired by pulling the string. lol
The cannons are firing, but still have lit fuse?
Maybe a spark rather than a flame? ✨
Nice though, maybe in red?
So here is Australia Day logo with texture...
and tried with just color change...

I tried adding something in middle, but not sure it looks good.

Or what about these on sides of Nudging Necessary?


and with both...

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and tried with just color change...

Gradient colour change looks good.

I tried adding something in middle, but not sure it looks good.

Or what about these on sides of Nudging Necessary?


and with both...


The kangaroos look cool, not so sure about the Australia map...just busy getting my first two hydro veges containers ready the melon and pumpkin seedling are ready to transplant.
New posts moved to public logo thread.
Happy Australia Day! (Jan. 26th)
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