New version of Future Pinball has been released - 1.8


Super Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
Just wanted to let everyone know that a new version of the Future Pinball program was just released today, happy downloading and have a great easter to everyone who celebrates it

Release Notes:

Please download it from the main website.

Revision History..

Version 1.8.20080323

Moved to Visual Studio 2008

Added CPU affinity option.

nvR13 - nvR16, nvS13 - nvS16 where not initialised nor saved/loaded.

Rewrote some of the render pipeline to handle static objects more efficiently. Can give a nice speed increase on newer
video cards depending on video options set and/or type of objects drawn.

Average FPS over the life of the game is calculated and displayed with the current FPS.

Fixed issue with Translate dialog not understanding ',' as a regional numeric separator.

Fxied issue with Light List editor showing wrong location of lights.

Unbroke the Light Sequencer.

Fixed issue with LS and FlassForMS not working well with each other (thanks Richard)

Increased the object count to 800.

Fixed Shading of Plastic Ramps (Normal incorrect)

Ramps (Shapable) now have a thickness of 2mm (Plastic) or 1mm (Metal). This will change how a ramp is textured.

Added Ordered Halos to Flashers and Bumpers.

Added context menu item to randomly set the rotation of an object.

Added object find.

Rewrote the video preferences to allow for multimonitor support.

Added in support for Backbox rendering to a second monitor.

Removed some test keys left in.

Reels, Segments and Dmd's can now be put into the playefielD (or a surface).
Note that these objects MUST be sent to the back when placed on the playfield.

Added option to disable loading of Images into the Table Editor. This can save quiet a few seconds on
loading if all you want to do is play a table and not develop one.

Added Enhanded Joypad/JoyStick/Mouse support for full arcade support

Added Ball Roller to help development of tables. (To setup, enable mouse support in the key settings and set the roller axis)

Added Render Model flag to triggers

Changed High Scores to Top 10

Added nvHighScore and nvHighScoreName global functions to access High Scores 1-10

Changes to Library Loading (Should be much faster)

Added BallId to CreateBall/CreateCaptiveBall which is passed into all _HIT() events as fpBallId.
Note: This will not work for collisions against Gates, Spinners and Vari-targets due to how they work internally.

Fixed a crash with the DMD object if no fonts loaded.

Added Strafing while in Manual camera mode.
General chit-chat
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