Pinball FX Doflinx Backglasses appear in front of actual FX score screen.


Pinball Wizard
Apr 7, 2022
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I have messaged the author of DOFLinx, and it must be something on my system thats off, but it has to be small whatever it is.
I am quite new to cabinets but i have several emulators on my cabinet and all are working with DOF/linx (VPX, Pinball FX , FX3 etc), however i must have not done something correct (the trigger is in place) for Pinball FX, for as much as it works perfect the backglasses for the backglassserver to use show over the Pinball FX ones, do you know offhand what the issue might be ? im sure its something small, as all the DOF works with everything.

If i alt tab i can move the backglass behind the Pinball FX score one, but i dotn want to do that everytime

I really dont want to redo all of DirectOutput/Doflinx and as most of my emulators and the backglasses/freezy are all working 100%, it has to be a small issue.
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