Episode 175- Black Knight Sword of Rage 1st Thoughts!
Steve Ritchie and Tim Sexton bring us their newest game from Stern!

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Episode 176- Willy Wonka Top 10 Features: Like a Kid in a Candy Shop
Orbital Albert pines over his top 10 fav most rad features of Jersey Jacks newest game Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory!

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Episode 177-Willy Wonka OOPS+ East Coast Fix+ LOPL & MNP@Speed City Recaps
Orbital Albert right wrongs from Willy Wonka & East Coast Redemption Episodes. Next Albert recaps the recebt LOPL and MNP!

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Episode 178- OMG Christopher Franchi Is Letting Us Use One of His Rad Designs
Orbital Albert was pleasently surprised to find out this morning that his fav pinball atrtist Fanchi is letting us use one of his incredible designs.

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Episide 179- Canadian Pinball Podcast Got April Fooled By Mark Cherry Pinball
Orbital Albert tells the story of april fooling his buds at the Canadian pinball podcast with the very rare Mark Cherry pinball machine!

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Episode 180- 5 Unique Uses of Magna "Save"+ Theme Song & Chat With Mat Megaphone
With Stern bringing back the magna save for Black Knight this got Orbital Albert thinking about new and interesting ways he would love to see future pins implement magna saves. Megaphone plays guitar for the new Canadian Pinball Podcast theme song 1st try!

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Episode 181-The Experience of Being Interviewed by Jeff Teolis for Pinball Profile
Obital Albert was stoked to get to be on the podcast that got him thinking about starting his own, Pinball Profile with fellow LOPLer Jeff Teolis!

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Episode 182- Top 10 Things Orbital Albert "nerds out" on Other Then Pinball
Albert counts down everything else he cares about on this wierd ride we call life outside of pinball on this episode of the blogcast!

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Episode 183- Will Pinpals REALLY Improve My Game By 20%?
Orbital Albert shares his fav social media hub for custom pins, congratulates Colorado Pinball on their rad 200 episodes vid! Also what are pinpals and how on earth could they raise my ifpa rank by 20%?

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Episide 184- Top 5 Most Canadian Pin Themes That Will NEVER Be Made eh!
Albert nerds out aboot the top 5 pins of canadian culture that he would have made if he was a pinball designer!

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Episode 185- Getting Beat Bad By A Non Ifpa Player& Chat Wit my bud Graeme!
Orbital albert talks about Path of Play day at Gammagoats and getting destroyed at Pin Up by his buddy who hasnt played in half a year.

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Episode 186- 50 Most Rad People of Pinball!
This episode wrote it friggin self cause there are soooo many rad people in pinball!

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Episode 187- Part 2 of 50 Most Rad People of Pinball Local Edition!
Orbital Albert completes his most fun blogcast to date which could have easily become the top 100 most radest people as pinballers rock!

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Episode 188- Top 5 Reasons You Should STOP Going for Multiball
Multiball is super fun but is trying to get into multiball making pinball less fun AND preventing from getting a high score, Orbital Albert thinks so!

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Episode 189- May the 4th Special+ Livestreaming the 1st EVER Pinball Machine+ Bye Chewy
Join Orbital Albert as he says goodbye to chewy and talks livestreaming oldest pin on the planet& Star Wars!

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Episode 190- Applying For The Pinball Intern Position At Deeproot Studios
Orbital Albert explains why he would be the perfect match for this super rad position!

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Episode 191- Top 10 Sterns Since Y2K
Orbital Albert counts down his top 10 fav Sterns that have came out since the year 2000 better known as Y2K!

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Episode 192- OMG That Was Fast! Pintern HIRED!
Orbital Albert was absolutely flabbergasted how quickly this all happened!

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Episode 193- Julie Dorssers Chat About Her Recent Allentown Win, Pinburgh and M.N.P!
Orbital Albert chats with the recent winner of womens at Pinfest in Allentown, mnp, and nyc!

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Episode 194- Pinspiracies Vol. 2- is Zach Meny Our Biggest Fan?
Orbital Albert loves a good conspiracy so today he lets his strange mind loose on his latest theories!

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Episode 195- NYC Pin Championship Pintern Gammagoats Missions!
Orbital Albert assigns Ian the worlds worst pintern his mission impossible tasks to complete. Ian is a Top 150 IFPA player that streams on twitch as Gammagoat.

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Episode 196- Top 5 Chris Franchi Art Packages+ NYC Pintern Update
Obital Albert counts down his fav Christopher Franchi pinball art packages. Worlds worst pintern Ian Harrower reports back from NYC Pinball Championships.

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Episode 197-Top 5 Pinball Manufacturers+ NYC Pintern Update #3
Gammagoat tells us how rad he did in the Pre-NYC Chompionship tourney! Orbital Albert counts down his absolute favorite pinball Manufacturers of ALL TIME!

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Episode 198- NYC Pintern Update+Mini Pinterview With Womens Champ Julie Dorssers and MUCH more...
Orbital Albert gets to sit back and listen to the worlds okiest pintern update us aboot his rad Classics tourney and mini pinterviews with Duncan Mcfarlane and Julie Dorssers!

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Episode 199-Which One of the 3 Dead Flip Mock Up Pins Would be the Bestseller?
Orbital Albert nerds out about which three of these rad art packages he thinks would sell best and which Manufactures he thinks would he best suited to make each!

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General chit-chat
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ie: /ai What is a EM Pinball Machine?
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  • ChatGPT @ ChatGPT:
    @, As of my knowledge cutoff in 2023, the 1933 version of the film "Contact" does not exist. It seems there might be a confusion with the title or the year. The well-known film "Contact" is a science fiction drama released in 1997, directed by Robert Zemeckis and starring Jodie Foster and Matthew McConaughey. It is based on the 1985 novel of the same name by Carl Sagan.

    If you are looking for a different film from 1933 or a film with a similar title, please provide more details so I can assist you better. If you are indeed referring to the 1997 film "Contact," it is widely available on various streaming platforms, DVD, and Blu-ray.
  • A (Guest) Alena:
    No I mean the 1933 version of the pinball Contact
  • D @ DLWood:
    New to FP. I'm on Linux and using Lutris. Have installed FP from the Lutris repo. It does not have BAM support so I can only play non-BAM tables. Some of the tables show up w/o a playfield do I fix that?
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