PinEvent ?


Pinball Wizard
Jun 25, 2020
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Favorite Pinball Machine
Ok I am looking at the amazing work by Terry. I see his PinEvent Tables.
Now the question I have is the following.

Does PinEvent enable PupVideo to work with certain Future Pinball Tables (Pin Event tables ) ?

Do you require more than 2 Monitors for this to work ?
"PinEvent" = tables that have been updated my myself and represent my own work on updating tables and adding DOF, SSF, PUP, and PUPDMD,etc to a table.

"PinEvent" doesn't do anything magical. It's using the BAM plugins.

COM extensions to allow pup and dof to be accessed by FP. Nothing gets magically added to a table. You gotta do all the hard work of adding all the code to that table,etc.

If you want to play a PinEvent table and show the pup-pack... or add pup to a table... you need at least 2 monitors so you can see the pup displays. You "can" use a dummy monitor plug / spare inout of your monitor to display the pup-pack on, and then stream that into FP using the BAM pup plug-in (a feature added to all PinEvent tables.

So if you want to add pup to a table... you can add the code to the table script and go from there... but please don't use the PinEvent vbs files in your table (you can copy needed code to your table script directly), and don't call a table a "PinEvent" table as I don't want anyone getting confused, as I only will support my own tables.... and I may make changes to the vbs files in the future.

More info on PinEvent here.

Thanks for the info. I would like to try that soon. Once the kids get back to school and I have free time :)
Hi Terry,

Any updates on new Pinevent tables ?
Hi Terry,

Any updates on new Pinevent tables ?

I've been working away at making RetroFlair 2. This is a whole new table.... and is going to blow you away when its done. Its literally like multiple tables in one table... so its a crazy amount of work, and will do things you haven't seen before. The new Tron mode alone is cooler than anything Tron you've seen before. I should be able to show it off in a demo video in the next week or two I hope.
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