WIP Help Playfield Image Not Visible In FP Editor?


Pinball Wizard
Jun 14, 2023
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Hi all,

Just getting started with my first build and I'm not able to see the playfield texture in the model editor.

It's loaded into the Texture Manager (although preview does not show) and shows perfectly when I play the table.

"Load Image Into Table Editor" is checked under Editor Preferences.

Thanks for your help!



Try clicking on the playfield, and whatever object is there, try right clicking mouse on it, and click assign.
Then you will see what layer it is assigned too.
Now click that number on left side of editor so it will not show that particular layer.
Now you should be able to see your playfield graphics.

Here is example of Stars table..
There is an object on Layer 8 that blocks the playfield graphics.
Clicking number 8 on left side of editor, toggles that layer off.
And now graphics can be seen on playfield with editor.
Thank you for the response!

I have fixed the issue by saving the .jpg image as a .bmp file and then re-importing into the Texture Manager.

Not sure why this worked, but it did the trick.


You should be able to view jpg, tga, and bmp textures in the editor by clicking on "Preferences" and then "Editor Preferences. Then place a checkmark on the option "Load image into Table editor". Then you must close and restart the table before you can see the textures. Most table objects like surfaces and the playfield have a check box for displaying the image in the editor.

Be aware that you do not want to leave this option checked because it uses too many resources when you play a table. ONLY use it for viewing the textures when editing a table. After using it, you need to uncheck the option and then you must restart the table for the change to take effect.
I found I often had playfield image display problems in the 1.9 version, especially when what George alludes to. But when I applied the 4gb_patch.exe I have never had an image problem since.
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