Please Stop Pestering Me!!!!!


PN co-founder
Jun 9, 2003
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The past week I've been bombarded by a seemingly endless barrage of RoboCalls, which I think they're called. I have no idea what they're trying to sell, if anything, because I hang up as soon as I realize it's an automated call. My phone is for my use, now an open invitation for every business known to man to pester me to death. I never would buy something from someone who phoned me, but I guess enough people do that such calls won't stop.

Just as bad are all the political phone calls most of us are subjected to every time there's an election. Do these fools really think I'll change my vote because of a RoboCall? In fact I do, but not in a way that would make them happy. I usually end up voting for whoever pesters me less. Why not, naymore it hardly seems as if it matters who gets elected, they'll still going to goof things up.

So, if you're thinking of giving me a call, please don't. And don't mail me anything either, I get way too much junk mail. In other words, leave me to my peace and quiet. Thank you, and have a nice day.
I'm already on both lists, and still get bothered all the time. And Spam e-mail is even worse. Clicking on an Unsubscribe link seldom stops the junk. Besides, political phone calls are exempt from the Do Not Call lists.
I'm already on both lists, and still get bothered all the time. And Spam e-mail is even worse. Clicking on an Unsubscribe link seldom stops the junk. Besides, political phone calls are exempt from the Do Not Call lists.

Cancel your current home phone, get a cell phone, then turn it off, no one will bother you then. :wave:
Don't think I haven't considered doing that. Part of the problem is that I get subsidized phone service, and caller ID isn't available. I do have a free cell phone from the government which is only on when I use it to make a call. But the real issue is that RoboCalls should be banned, and may be in time, but they're still a fairly new thing.
Bob is right.

Anyone that calls me that I have no idea what their number is, I hit cancel. Doing this hangs up on them automatically. I've had this happen a few times on my cell phone and even looked up where they were from. Come to find out they were a scam and I kept ignoring them. Eventually they ceased.

John, time to get a cell phone. Home phones just don't cut it anymore. If it's in my call list on the phone I'll answer. Otherwise I ignore them. Also, I have my phone on vibrate. I can't hear it and when I HAVE TIME I'll call back.

Believe me or not, I have a Net 10 phone and 200 minutes with 30 days of service is only $15. CHEAP. So, each other month I buy another card. It works for me and I make very few calls and I get very few back. Laugh if you must, but Net 10 works great out where I live!

As for spam email, I use Yahoo and if someone sends me crap, they end up on my spam list. Piece of cake. :)

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Like I said, I have a cell phone, since my discounted land line service is only local. But it only costs me $11.06 a month, and I need it for when my doctors call with test results. As for Spam, I use G Mail so it all goes to a Spam folder. Still, even if I never read it, receiving it is wrong, in my old-fashioned opinion. Sometimes I just like to complain.
Do any of the cell phone providers offer a "friend's list"?
That is, if the caller's number is Not on your "friend's list", then it doesn't ring through.

I thought some cell phone providers offered an option for separate ringtones for unknown callers. Why that can't be used to block unknown callers whose numbers are not on your friend's list beats the crap out of me. Maybe it's the phone company?
I've gotten spam calls from AT&T.

Btw, how long do you think it will be before hardwired landline phones are replaced with cellular wall phone and tabletop versions of cell phones? With so many cell phones out there, the phone companies must be looking at cutting their hardwired overhead. Could be all phones in the future, including traditional home phones and home telephone DSL, will be wireless.
My cell phone is is provided free with free service through the government's Safe Link program, and as such, it is a basic model, with no bells or whistles. I'm lucky that I figured out how to turn it on, make a call, and use the phonebook. I tool me two weeks to figure how to find what my cell phone number is. I really doubt regular phones will disappear, although they're service will probably cost more. If mine wasn't free with free serive, I wouldn't have a cell phone.
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