Plunger Images


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Jul 15, 2009
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I would like to learn plunger images for my wip. I have the stock plunger but I would like it to look better. I have the plunger images but I don't know how to script them. Is there a tutorial for this?
Here ya go, I found this tutorial/demo table in my pinball folder. It's made by Bob based upon one of JP's animated plungers, zipped .vpt file attached.


    41 KB · Views: 375
BTW, I never posted that Plunger_Bob file anywhere, I just sent it to steve once. JP has no problem with people using his stuff and I always try to thank him, but I named that file Plunger_Bob, just as a way to find it in my tables folder. JP's plunger was based on the core.vbs files, so I tore it all apart and made it work without the core.vbs after JP sent me a demo table that used the core.vbs file.

I have no problem with anyone using it, but don't credit me for JP's work. I just removed all the vpm stuff and add a lot of simple If/Then statements :)
That looks just like the plunger I released at .com, separate, and in a demo table but it was a reel.

I was not looking forward to building it again, so thanks. I wish I could put it into a .vbs file, as I have hooked up the last part, the plunger.

Like I said. I can't debug VP, but there are some things about it that have just lasted too damn long, and not being able to edit Table1 is one of them. Some things would require only obtaining the development package, and this is one of them.

It would be nice to have a better starting layout (less is more here), favorite ball (already did that with a resource editor, or hacker, if you will), gamepad support (finishing that up) for both VP and VPM, nice plunger like this (need editable Table1, but loading a Table2 will work), rails and lockbars, and a couple of other things (Flipper rubber and favorite default settings, etc).
Oh well I hope I didn't tread on anyone toes posting that file, sorry Bob I didn't remember where it came from and thought I'd got it from an old attachment, guess not, my bad.
What do you mean by core based Bob?

Do you mean that it was an impulse plunger, or that he had the graphics controlled with the .vbs file too? Was it a custom core.vbs file?

I could be wrong, but it looks exactly like the graphics I released as a sheet, seperate .bmb files, a reel, and a working table, and I built those graphics from scratch. I overlayed a pic of a real pinball plunger spring on a pipe and did much editing on a tip graphic.

Old timers might remember the new pinball editor that did not go far (I don't remember who did it, or what it was called) and that I supplied that (I mean the) plunger graphic for it.
This is the file JP sent me. It is way over my head, so I used some simple script to make it work for me in a way that I understood.


    76 KB · Views: 366
Holy cow. I've seen complete table scripts shorter than that.
Yes that's exactly what he did. But instead of making a custom core.vbs file, he brought the impulse plunger code into his table script and added the mechanism for his custom plunger.

This, added to Oz's nice cabinet, a shiny ball, and some nicely looking and working flippers would make a very nice template to start a build.

It might be better to make the plunger a reel though, and either way, all that code is really not needed just to launch a ball. Most of it is already in the core, if VPM is used, and if not, it can be done much simpler, as you know.
Thanks guys, only a couple of days left and you'll get to see if I could pull it off.
Phil, you have to remember, I asked JP for a table that had all of the Plunger script in it to use.... He put it in there so I could see how it worked. I wanted it to work for my Original tables even if the downloader didn't have VPM or the core.vbs file on their computer.
Double post...

He has the same plunger that he uses in a reel also, but the table isn't angle independent then. You need to check out some new tables as Rascal has a great plunger system also.

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