Political Nonsense

I'd be happy to just get rid of the criminals.

Approximately 77 million Americans, or 1 in every 3 adults, have a criminal record.
Having uncontrolled illegal immigration just adds to that figure, it will now be reduced.
ALL countries need to be like Australia.

Approximately 77 million Americans, or 1 in every 3 adults, have a criminal record.
I wonder how many of that figure i havent officially checked your figures though, were immigrants in the past 4 years ?
I have to agree that Trump has done quite a bit already. I don't see how he can deport 11 million illegal immigrants though. He told ICE he wants to work up to at least 1,200 to 1,500 per day. If he wants to complete it before he leaves office in 4 years, the number needs to be at least 7,500 per day to do the full 11 million. It seems like an impossible task. I guess they are headed in the right direction. I'd be happy to just get rid of the criminals.
Hes a breath of fresh air for the real world.
Next general election in the UK we shall rectify our mistake that 34% of the electorate enable into govt here.
(many of who regret their votes (daily FB comments from actual labour voters) as they havent done anything they said they would before the voting, and they have been in power 6 months already)
Look out for a repeat of the USA in the UK in a few years time.
Im out of here , i can see we are supposed to lick up and agree with the mods on anything , i wont change my politics of a lifetime fpr a pinball forum.
The only nonsense is that we are felt like feeling threatened if we put our own point of view forward, 60 in 2 months sod this.
Im out of here , i can see we are supposed to lick up and agree with the mods on anything , i wont change my politics of a lifetime fpr a pinball forum.
The only nonsense is that we are felt like feeling threatened if we put our own point of view forward, 60 in 2 months sod this.
No need to leave.
No need to agree with mods, or change your politics.
This is how free speech is supposed to work.
Say what's on your mind, and don't feel afraid.
We don't shut down people who do not have the same point of views as our own, unlike what has happened in the last 4 years with forced government censorship.
You also need to realise, that many people who respond in this forum, do not care for the USA at all, and are happy to say anything that makes America look bad.
So just keep that in mind, when you see a post you don't agree with.
They have a right to make their posts, just like you have the right to make yours.

Carry on.
Im out of here , i can see we are supposed to lick up and agree with the mods on anything , i wont change my politics of a lifetime fpr a pinball forum.
The only nonsense is that we are felt like feeling threatened if we put our own point of view forward, 60 in 2 months sod this.
Ohh BS, the moderators here are the most easy going people out there, and I will prove it.
Xenon is not the best pinball out there, not even the best pinball of 1980 ;)
Western Australia is not the center of the universe

As for crime, in most countries, usually about 1% of the population have served time in jail/prison. but for the USA and China, that rises to 3%. Mainly due the 'war on drugs'.
As for the UK, there are more people in jail for thought crimes in the UK "I believe there are only 2 sexes" than there are political prisoners in Russia
(nobody should be in jail for posting an opinion on the interwebs)
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I am not knocking Trump. I am just not sure he has realistic goals for deportations. He is headed in the right direction though. He's definitely better than Biden or Harris.
Maybe the best sound effects for that year?
You could make that argument, first female voice on a pinball machine.
But Black Knight would give you a good run, bonus points for laughing when you waste a magna-save
Black Hole, even though it used an off the shelf voice synthesizer (all talking Gottlieb's sound the same) still used to great effect
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We do need to upgrade that those fences...

I believe Daffy Duck is the one who says "It's rabbit season!"
That would help cut down the population.
Rabbit tastes good too.

I think we had same problem with Possums.
They are not native to our country, but I think have wound up in every state.
Same with the Boa snakes in Florida. They are at top of the food chain with no predators that can take them on.
They are wiping out some of the other small animals in that area.
Those rascally rabbits!

Those rascally rabbits!

It is almost impossible to remove an invasive species. The usual approach is to identify the natural control where they came from and
introduce it.

The European starling is an invasive species in the United States. They were introduced to North America in 1890 and have since spread across the country. They have an obnoxious call and and not very clean. We just have to live with them.

Kudzu is a climbing vine that is native to Asia and has become an invasive species in many parts of the world, especially North America. I have seen it in the Southern states. It completely covers trees and eventually kills them.

One good story I saw in the news lately is killer bees from Brazil where eradicated in the Northwestern part of the USA. They eat honey bees that pollinate plants. They are a huge ugly bee.
Seems we have some results from those 'wonderful' Trump Tarriffs...

Also great job getting that water released... :bonk:

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