Poor Man's Pinball Podcast

Poor Man's Pinball Podcast Feed
Episode I The Phantom Cringe (Pilot Episode)

We cut our teeth on our first podcast. The quality is not where we want it right now... so hopefully by next week we have these things ironed out. In this episode we give our Twipy Award Predictions and give a little feedback on some of the other podcasts out there!

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Episode 2 TPF and Twipys Plus Love Letters!

Welcome back to our second podcast. Hope you all enjoy it. It was a long one. In the future we will try to keep it around 45 minutes. However there was just so much to talk about! We also introduce a new segment called "Love Letters". Enjoy!

Poor Man Ian and Drew

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Episode 3 Rage WITH the Machine?

Poor man Drew and Poor man Ian talk Stern, JJP, and a little bit of MGC. Also we try out a new game called Pinside top 365. Also we have some more steamy Love Letters! Thanks guys... Send emails at poormanspinball@gmail.com

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Two Fisting and Talking Smack!

Drinking got the best of us in this episode... Thank god for editing! Ha ha ha ha... We stayed away from Wonka this week, and focused on recent Market Trends, and Other Podcast meltdowns.

Don't forget to email us at Poormanpinball@gmail.com and send us your own Love Letters! Also watch us this WED the 24th on Twitch streaming some awesome pinball with Ryan from Turbografx_7

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Shoutouts, Booze, Mods, Hobbit and Deeproot!

Drew is getting rid of Metallica, Ian modded his Monster Bash, and we talk about the most recent rumors and news in the Pinbal industry. Email us at Poormanspinball@gmail.com... Send us your mail, and send us your LOVE LETTERS!

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2 Poor Guys and Special Guest:Ryan (Turbografx_7) from Twitch!

Slow news week? Time to release a 20 minute show.... hardly. This 2 hour extravaganza has everything.... Games, Fly or Buy, Love Letters and we talk with our new friend Ryan (Turbografx_7) from Twitch!

Dont forget to send your emails and Love Letters to Poormanspinball@gmail.com

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The Ultimate Yet Surprisingly Lazy Theme Bracket with guest Laura!

Hey poor pinballers... I sloppily made up a bracket consisting of 36 of the best themes I could find (Minus Beetlejuice, because I forgot that one). However Drew and my wife Laura debate and decide the BEST theme ever. Obviously ending all debate moving forward on which is the ultimate theme for pinball. The results were as surprising as they were stupid... this was a fun episode!

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Episode 10 With Special Guest Eric Priepke (epthegeek)

Eric Priepke (epthegeek on pinside) joins Drew and Ian and talks about Cactus Canyon Continued, CGC's remake on Cactus Canyon, Deeproot and Jpop, Color DMD, Multimorphic, and yes he tells us a little about what he has been doing for Spooky and Scott Danesi's new game! Big Show today Folks!

email us at poormanspinball@gmail.com

Like us on Facebook at Poor Man's Pinball Podcast

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Episode 11 A quick Thank you!

Just a quick thank you to Nate Shivers and for our listening audience. Hope everyone had a safe Memorial Day weekend. We will be back next week for episode 12!

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Episode 13 Top 5 Pins for a Single Collection and Your Typical Geometric Mess.

Poor Men Drew, Ian and Ryan talk about the Stern Factory tour, his time spent with the Pinball Media Mafia, and of course our first top 5 discussion.

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Episode 14: We made this show up on the spot... it's not bad.

Drew and Ian getting drunk and talking about Steve Richie and Pat Lawlor doing a showdown downtown brawltown of the ages.

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Episode 15: Wonka, Woz, and Balls Everywhere

We have a big show here today folks... we have Poorman Drew, Poorman Eric, Poorman Ryan (Turbografx7) and of course me Poorman Ian. We have a great round table discussion regarding the current Wonka feedback, we argue which game Poorman Eric should buy (Woz or MM). Packed show today!

Vote on our Facebook page which game is a better first purchase... Woz Or MM (Poormans Pinball Podcast on Facebook)

Email us your Love letters or if you want to weigh in on any of the topics discussed at poormanspinball@gmail.com

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Episode 16: Bottle Neck Battle! Wonka!

Drew and Ian talk about the bottleneck forming towards the end of the year. A showdown that may include 6-7 games both announced or released... WOW!

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Poorman's Pinball Podcast

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Episode 17: Lots of Pinball Shenanigans.

Wow... lots of meat in this episode... we talk Alien, Big Lebowski, Playing pinball on location, Ian made up another terrible game, and we give a big sloppy thanks to Orbital Albert.

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Episode 18: Dan Loosen Co-Creator of Midwest Gaming Classic

We have a beefy interview here folks... Dan Loosen joined Drew Ryan and Ian for a great talk about what it takes to actually put on a show as big as Midwest Gaming Classic. Ian got far too drunk and we had to delete him from the last 15 minutes of the podcast... you can actually hear him forget to use words when he spoke.

Email us at Poormanspinball@gmail.com

Like us on Facebook at Poor Man's Pinball Podcast

Support Midwest Gaming Classic! Tickets on Sale starting July 24th!

Midwest Gaming Classic is April 3rd, 4th, and 5th.

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Episode 19: Jurassic Park round table with guest Josh Siekert

We channeled into our inner eagles and flew free... and we also talked about our first impressions of Jurassic Park. We try to stay around the 45 minute mark, but sometimes we have too much fun talking pinball!

Check us out on Facebook Poor Man's Pinball Podcast

Email us at poormanspinball@gmail.com

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Episode 20: Jurassic Pinburgh

Drew and Ian are Ryanless today... so we filled the airwaves with nonsense! And some Jurassic Park and Pinburgh love.

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Episode 21 Interivew with Charlie and Bug from Spooky Pinball!

Drew and I got a great opportunity to visit Spooky Pinball's haunted headquarters in sunny Benton Wisconsin. Where we talked about Alice Cooper's Nightmare Castle, TNA 2.0, and a few hints about future projects coming up.... Thank you again Spooky for being great hosts!

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Episode 23: Interview with Gar Nelson Owner and Operator of The Garcade!

Drew and I talk about some of the drama regarding the clear coat issues plaguing pinball machines and then we interview Gar Nelson. Local Businessman who owns and operates The Garcade. Lots of great stuff here!

email us at Poormanspinball@gmail.com

Like us on Facebook The Poor man's Pinball Podcast

Thanks, Ian

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