Ramp and mini playfield

I used Steve Paradis's invisible file. The only other invisible textures I know about are the ones included with FizX. I tried both and they produced the same result.

There is only one parameter that I thought wouldn't make any difference. It is the "Reflects off playfield" option which I had left unchecked. I checked it and the invisible file worked correctly but the rail cap produced a black shadow across the middle of the side of the cabinet. There are no other parameters that I could change and still have it work correctly.

In my opinion, the code is flawed because it doesn't make sense to have the "Reflects off playfield" option checked in this case but I am not going to split hairs with you. At least others may find this discussion helpful.

There is no choice but to use the other code.

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I thought I would report that I had great success exchanging 2 different side blade textures with the PUP code on this table (neither of which are transparent). I found I could leave the "Reflects off playfield" option unchecked and it still works. I used the cole previously on "Medieval Madness" to exchange the different multiple backwall textures depicting lightning with no problem also.

It is quite useful. You just have to be careful using transparent textures.
I didn't quite understand the problem.....It seems like you're having problems with invisibility on some specific model, as it doesn't make the item in question invisible to you, right?

I have made many of my models invisible in my tables with "xBAM.SetTexture",using this "TGA"that I uploaded.
I also recently used the "gif" function, to swap textures, it might also work using an invisible texture, "to try", what kind of model is it?
Just for information, if you have any black models (black texture), I remember I had this kind of problem using Bam's ModelImporter, but it was a problem with my old video card, it doesn't seem to me that you have an old video card, if not, maybe this is the problem?


  • invisible.7z
    191 bytes · Views: 0
I didn't quite understand the problem.....It seems like you're having problems with invisibility on some specific model, as it doesn't make the item in question invisible to you, right?

I have made many of my models invisible in my tables with "xBAM.SetTexture",using this "TGA"that I uploaded.
I also recently used the "gif" function, to swap textures, it might also work using an invisible texture, "to try", what kind of model is it?
Just for information, if you have any black models (black texture), I remember I had this kind of problem using Bam's ModelImporter, but it was a problem with my old video card, it doesn't seem to me that you have an old video card, if not, maybe this is the problem?


The problem is not with the "xBAM.SetTexture" code. The problem is with the code that TerryRed posted earlier on this thread and what I pasted below. It replaces all textures used on the table that have the same texture name as the code in the red text below. The texture is replaced with the name of the texture in blue below. It requires adding the code in green. If you don't want to have all the objects on the table use the texture with the name in red below, you can make another copy of the texture with a different name and upload to the table and use it on the objects you want to change.

It works perfectly except when attempting to replace a texture on a model with a FPM file extension and use an invisible texture. For some reason, you must have the "Reflects off playfield" option checked for it to work. I could not check that option on the screenshot in message 26 above because it produced a black streak across the side of the table. The black streak is actually supposed to be a reflection of the rail cap above it off the playfield but it is not appropriate to check in this case. Oddly, the "Reflects off playfield" option does not need to be checked on other table objects except FP models.

I fixed it by changing the model of the rail cap from an ornament to a toy and using the "xBAM.SetTexture" code. Toys have an assigned name you can use in the code.

The code is very useful on objects that do not have names like on ramps. If you have several objects where you want to replace the texture, you only need to enter the code one time so it requires less code.

Dim PuP_Plug_Tex
Set PuP_Plug_Tex = xBAM.Get("PuPPlugin")

If PuP_Plug_Tex Is Nothing Then AddDebugText "PuP Plugin is missing"

' swap ramp texture with new texture

PuP_Plug_Tex.ReplaceTexture PuP_Plug_Tex.GetTextureId("ramp_texture"), PuP_Plug_Tex.GetTextureId("ramp_texture_2")

' swap ramp texture back to original texture

PuP_Plug_Tex.ReplaceTexture PuP_Plug_Tex.GetTextureId("ramp_texture"), PuP_Plug_Tex.GetTextureId("ramp_texture")

I tried to use my best English so this translates well.

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