Red Sonja

Ok guys.
I changed my toys Red Sonia and the ogre.
It happens very often that replaces the elements of the table.
It's about creating something homogeneous in shades of color and perspective.
After choosing the design of the table, just choose the music in such a way that listening to imagine the scenes to put in pinball.
When i play pinball , i enter into a dream world and I like to convey the sensations I feel also to all the guys who download my table.
Thanks to all the staff of Pinball Nirvana and boys who dream with us.

click on link for image.
I have taken a week off.
In all the tables that I create I put a lot of passion but unfortunately I work for many hours and I felt it was time to take a break to study new ideas.
I already have in mind the next table, a remake of F14 Tomcat that I love it.
However, now I need to concentrate on this table.
Here is a picture with a few modifications the design and the objects on the table now are complete.
Sure to will be ready in a week
Do not worry about the walls that can be seen through the towers, will all be transparent.

click on link for image
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