Rom's - 5Th Element - (fizxv3.3)_multiplayer_mod version 0.1 - by RLR

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Rom's - 5Th Element - (fizxv3.3)_multiplayer_mod version 0.1 - by RLR - moded version of Rom's 5th Element

'updated by RLR 10/03/2025 - mod version 0.1
'this is my test table, learning to code, tank you guys for all the information you have avalebel and thank you for creating such a tool that ables us to recreate these wonderful games

'-DMD with a lot of flaws, don't completely understand it for now
'-Ouverlay, alot to be optimised as well, reduce imagens/frames and better control is needed - overlays desynchronised in the translit in relation to the playfield/table - no idea who to solve this...

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