Williams Solved Shangri-La (Williams, 1967) EM Scoring Reel Coil Problem


Pinball Nudger
Oct 16, 2019
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I just bought my first table, a Williams Shangri-La. When powering up, the score resets and it is playable but a very loud buzzing comes from the back glass area and the 1-9 scoring reel on Player 1 will not register anything. I isolated that the sound is coming from the coil for that scoring reel. It contracts, but does not release and vibrates considerably. The coil (B-26 800) appears to be in good shape and I cleaned the cylinder and barrel with alcohol. The spring tension also appears to be good as when the power is off, it manually moves freely back and forth.
Any thoughts would be appreciated. Just know that I have no experience with electronics, so you may need to use very basic wording! Thanks in advance!!
Some are under the playfield
Start with the ones on top

Remove the glass
Start the machine

Then go around the playfield pulling back on the
rubber near the switches under the plastics

A good place to start is at kickers above the flippers

If the buzzing stops, you found your problem

You have to make the switch gap bigger by slightly bending
the short blades of switch from the long blade
Never adjust the long blade
Some are under the playfield
Start with the ones on top

Remove the glass
Start the machine

Then go around the playfield pulling back on the
rubber near the switches under the plastics

A good place to start is at kickers above the flippers

If the buzzing stops, you found your problem

You have to make the switch gap bigger by slightly bending
the short blades of switch from the long blade
Never adjust the long blade
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