Since Jun 2003


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Jun 16, 2003
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That's at least six years that Pinball Nirvana has been serving the VP community or as best as I can gather.

I was just wondering about that today...

Thank You Jon and to all our many posters, rock on. :guitar:
Happy birthday PN!
jon is amazing. the amount of work he's put into the site for years and his persistent nature just boggles my mind.

wish i had more time and energy to help out with this stuff, but maybe later. yes yes, always later... :/

happy birthday. :)
Well said Steve and Nic, many thanks to Jon for making this site what it is and all the hard work he puts into it day in and day out. It has remained a constant in the VP world and it is appreciated! It is always here when a site goes down or if something is not able to be said somewhere else, it at least can be here:)
:yourock:Happy Birthday PN:cheers::birthdayboy:! Thanks to Jon and all the others who make this site possible! I really enjoy to stay here and I'm gladly be a part of this community:)!

Thanks to all and rock on:wave:!

Thanks for the happy birthday wishes, it's been fun and a lot of work but I'm glad the site is appreciated!

It wouldn't have been possible without contributions from many people.

Just a small correction, I started working on the site (formerly named The Magic of Flipperless) back in February 03 and it actually opened up on April Fools Day (04/01/03).
Seems im a little late to the party (didnt have much time for forums in the past days) but nevertheless a hearty Happy Birthday from me too.

PN is a great place by all standards, it has so many features already and still something new is being added practically every week. As a matter of fact i dont think i have ever seen a forum with so much content anywhere before, and that quite impressingly demonstrates how much work and effort the owner must have put into it. Hence hats off to Jon, doing this for years day in and day out even through the times when most people only went to AJs place not only shows that he really cares about the site, it also shows that he is definitely not doing it just for the user-count and that deserves nothing but our utmost respect.

I hope PN will exist for a long time to come.
The site has been a labor of love for many years and we passed a milestone for downloads a few months ago by breaking 1 million! (PN only)

Pinball Nirvana was born partially because of my disgust with vpf's (the real one) treatment of non-VPM Tables and the hoops you had to go through to download stuff, you used to have to donate cash to speed up the registration and d/l process, that sickened me.

There are a few sites that allow you to download stuff without being registered, both of the vpf's (real and squatted on) require registration.

The server @ Pinball Nirvana deserves the praise, did you know?:
-over 5 subdomains are hosted: (ie:shiva, pacdude, [email protected])
-Pinball Nirvana hosts IRPinball!
-Pinball Nirvana hosts Pinball Originals

Forum stats have never mattered to me, tiltjlp made me install one and it keeps getting better, the d/l stats don't include any sub domain or IRP, PO, etc...

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jon, if you ever start choking on a fish bone, we need to have a dedicated pinball player standing behind you at all times!
The site has been a labor of love for many years
And it shows, too.

Yes, it really does. Like i said, show me one other forum that has as much content and features as PN. A huge Arcade, a Video Gallery, an Image Gallery, a Quick Chat Box, Social Groups, User Albums, Newsfeeds, Radio&TV, a Casino, Shops, an entire Banking System with all bells and whistles, Random Videos, Arcade Tournaments, Lotteries, Sports Bettings, Files like there is no tomorrow, and and and, in one word this place is PACKED with features from top to bottom! But the absolutely wowing thing is; new things are still being added on a regular basis! One simply has to see it to believe it, i said, i for one dont know of any other place that comes even close to PN as far as features and content go. And if that does not show that it is in deed a labor of love then what does.

...the hoops you had to go through to download stuff...
And thats the other thing that sets PN apart; almost all of the features can be accessed and used by anyone without any form of registration whatsoever, including the downloads! And that is truly special these days where practically every little shit you want to download either requires some form of registration or you have to order the file via email in the 1st place. The last time this happened to me was just a few days ago, i wanted some small file in the ~250kb range but could not get it period unless i registered at that site. Alledgedly the registering process was 'necessary' in order to avoid 'abuse' of their download section, a download section i might add that had a whopping grand total of 4 files to offer, all the same program, this being normal, normal with source, and the same two again in zipped format. Normally i would have simply clicked the download link, and due to the very small size of the file it would have been done faster than i could have released the mousebutton. This means there would have been an absolute minimum of traffic for both me and them, but no, first i had to fill out the registering form, (which i had to do six times because all the names i chose had alledgedly been taken already), then do the captcha stuff, send it off, wait for a confirmation email, click the confirmation link in the confirmation email, go back to the site, log in at the site, go to the download section again, and THEN start a download which could have been done and forgotten in what, half a second? But if you think that this was the end of it, think again. After that i had to fill out yet another form to request account removal, wait for the confirmation email, click the link in the confirmation email, and finally wait for another confirmation email that confirmed the account removal. Time spent for the whole stunt: The better part of 30 minutes. Nick i finally had to use because all others i tried had alledgedly been taken already: whyareallthenamestakenalready

And ALL THIS for a simple 250kb file, which was by no standards a popular file. And if thats not ridiculous then what is. Therefore Jon has my utmost respect, especially in this day and age, for not forcing the occasional downloader to go to such nonsensical and timewasting trouble. Other places wont even let you enter certain subforums and/or view attachments and links in posts unless you register, let alone download any stuff from the site. At PN nobody has to be registered to do anything, except for the functions that are necessarily tied to user accounts. And im sure if Jon could help it he would make these things accessible to non-registered people too. IMO this just goes to show what a great and good-hearted person he is,...
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