Solar Ride (Gottlieb, 1979) VP921

VP9 Gottlieb SS Recreation Solar Ride (Gottlieb, 1979) VP921 2021-11-02

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Solid State Machines
Ooh lala, I've never figured out how to play flipper banks.

My chances are probably way better here than on stuff like *Haunted House* or one of @Anthias modern tables!
Non capisco cosa intendi con flipper bank. Poi esprimi una preferenza( in negativo) su un tipo di flipper , sii più chiaro e eventualmente dai dei titoli così ti capisco meglio.
Non capisco cosa intendi con flipper bank. Poi esprimi una preferenza( in negativo) su un tipo di flipper , sii più chiaro e eventualmente dai dei titoli così ti capisco meglio.
Sorry Furio, I mean two flippers in a row, in-line.

Because I have a set of deep instincts when it comes to flippers... particularly when it comes to cradling the ball, such that I can take a breather and plan ahead my next shot. When I try to do the same things with a 'flipper bank' or 'doubled flippers,' the girl I'm trying to impress usually snorts her nostrils and walks away. :p
i banco di pinne non sono tutti uguali nel senso della difficoltà. In generale sono fastidiosi ma con l'esperienza si riesce a gestirli almeno in parte.
Ooh lala, I've never figured out how to play flipper banks.

My chances are probably way better here than on stuff like *Haunted House* or one of @Anthias modern tables!
This table is the first table I remember playing unassisted as a kid, standing on a stool to see. and play it I did. A lot. It's still a favorite, which might be why so many of mine have flipper banks :) And also why I am downloading this right now!
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